
How to take care of a baby snake?

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I found a baby ringneck snake yesterday and I am not really sure what I should do with it. It is so tiny that I feel like if I let it go it will get killed by something. I was going to try and set up an aquarium for it but I am not sure what you feed a snake that is that small. Apparently members of the kingsnake family make good pets in captivity but I really want to do what is best for the snake so any advice on what to do or how to take care of it would be much appreciated. Thanks!




  1. Let it go so it can find a place to hibernate before it's to late.

  2. Yeah, letting it go would be the best thing to do. Ring neck snakes are almost impossible to keep in captivity. It's even hard for professional reptile keepers to find one out of the wild and keep it. I hope this helps.

  3. ok here are the facts

    keeping wild caught snakes in captivity (as pets) is cruel immoral and environmentally reprehensible. when a wild animal i removed from its natural environment and put in a confined space it causes massive amounts of stress. this affects herps (reptiles and amphibians) very badly worse than most other orders many die simply from the stress of being in captivity it also weakens there immune system meaning more die from disease. those that survive suffer from stress related behavior disorders, stress related illness and have a shortened life span. there quality of life is pretty bad too

  4. He will need a heat lamp, not a rock they can burn.  Water bowl and some sort of bedding.  that aquarium astro turf stuff is fine

    He should be eating "pinky" mice.  They can be bought at a pet store.  You may want to try fresh frozen, it is much easier in the long run.  Some snakes will only eat live though but try the thawed out frozen first.  

    You should feed it in a different place, a plastic sweater box works just add holes.  That way it won't think "food" every time you put your hand into the tank.  It will know that it is food time in the sweater box.  

    Snakes make great pets but they do require some special care.  They are prone to respiratory infections as well, so make sure you call around and find a vet that handles them.

    Good Luck!  

  5. Let it go. God gives all the animals the instincts they need to survive. If they don't that is a part of the circle of life. Besides why would you try to keep something that you have no clue how to care for? What if in trying to keep it alive, yo kill it because of your lack of knowledge?

  6. I would let it go. Whn you start mixing wild and domestic their could be trouble (one from petstore into wild or bringing one from wild indoors).

    You probably won't listen to this warnging so here are some links to care for it. IF you cannot takecare of it to its specifications - LET IT GO!!

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