
How to take care of a cricket?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I have a pet cricket and I named him Thomas (Thomas just stood out to me)

I found him in my backyard. But I don't know what to feed him or how to give him proper excercise? Not to mention I think he gets really bored in his cage.

What kind of toys can I give him to play with?

Thanks for all the friendly advice.

By the way, he looks alot like this:




  1. take a bat and knock the F*** out of the cricket.

    dont worry, i give friendly advices all the time.

  2. umm......... take him to the field


  4. You might struggle for a meaningful answer in this forum because it is for the game of _cricket_.

    Why not just take the cricket back to where you found it and let go and do the things that crickets to? It doesn't need you and you don't need it.

  5. Give him proper exercise by taking him to a cricket field. He can play with a cricket bat. Your cricket will be hitting sixes in no time.

  6. Middle stump


  8. I think this question belongs in the Zoology section!!

    I dont think u know but there is a sport called cricket!!

  9. Take cool care of him he is fit to play the next edition of IPL.

    Insects premier league.

  10. Take it to the safe hands of ICC !

  11. ICC  is ,..supposed to take care of cricket~

  12. just enjoy, dont fight. take it as a game.

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