
How to take care of my 13 year old sick son?

by  |  earlier

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my 13 year old son christian is sick my husband was a nurse but hes on vacation with his son is throwing up alot and i just wanna make him feel better what should i do?




  1. i remember being sick as a child and all i wanted was my mom to stay by me even if she was just sitting there while i slept then again i was a girl and boys might be different but let him lay on the couch and watch a movie and just put a little garbage can next to the couch with a bunch of grocery bags in it so when he throws up you can simply take the top bag out tie it up and throw it away and there will already be another bag in the can so you wont have to put another one in and be sure to get him hydrated

  2. Make him take small sips of white soda and if he feels a little better, give him some saltines or dry toast. My mom used to do that and I always felt better! Make sure you give him fluids or he will dehydrate. Hope he feels better!

  3. You need to call his doctor and let them know what is going on...he may need to be seen...don't wait any the doctor asap!

  4. Call the god d**n geiko lizard of course he can fix anything.(thank you for allowing me to take advantage of you child being sick).But seriously when in doubt refer to your child's pediatrician and or doctor for help or instructions.

  5. ummm you've been a mother for 13 years and you do not know what to do?!?!?!?

    do everybody here a favor and take him to the emergency room. i dont really feel save you takening care of your own child!

    ......does he have a fever?

    ......what has he ate?

    ......besides the thrwoing up what else is going on?

    ......does he have any pains?

    ......has he taken any medication in the past 24 hours?

    ......what color is his complextion?? gotta give me more then just throwing up!!

    it can be anything....from food posioning to a stomache virius or even anything more serious then that.

    take him to the hospital.

  6. first thing you need to take the kid to the doctor and get medication for him and then he might get better dont wait an your hubby to get back he cant do anything or give him medication

  7. give him ginger ale

    it helps the nausea

    bring him to his doctor.

  8. Just have him on the couch all day sipping 7-up.

  9. give him alot of fluids

    tylonol every 4- 6 hours for fever

    take to dr if fever is over 103.5

  10. call a doctor, take him to see one

  11. Bring him to the doctors prob! :/

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