
How to take care of your dogs after they get fixed?

by Guest56407  |  earlier

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what should i do after my dogs come home from being fixed today at 6;00




  1. Thank you for being a conscientious dog owner!

    When you pick them up, ask the vet if there is any special he/she recommends.  Typically, they will give you a pain killer for the dogs, and then set up an appointment to take out the stitches and check the dogs.

    When they come home, different dogs react differently.  They may be still tired from the anesthetic and just want to sleep.  In this case, let them be comfortable and sleep until the full affects of the drugs are gone.

    They may be just like normal, and not show any signs of anything different.  In this case, let them be themselves.  Just keep an eye on them to make sure they are not bothering their stitches.  If possible, try to keep them relatively calm.  If your dogs like to run, try to avoid this, as it can pull their stitches.  

  2. The main thing is to give them a comfortable place to rest.  Keep them quiet, don't allow running or jumping.  Probably they will be wearing a body stocking and/or a cone collar to prevent them from chewing at the wound.  I allow recovering dogs to lie by me when I'm on the computer, etc.  I take them out on leash to potty to keep leaping and enthusiasm to a minimum for the 10 days until the stitches come out. After that, they can return to normal activity.  You may need a crate during the rest period.

    You may find they are somewhat nauseous from the anesthetic; it stimulates the vomiting  centers of the brain.  This will be short lived, so not to worry.  Just give them something bland and easy to digest such as boiled rice with chicken.  Make sure water is available.  By the next day they should be able to return to normal food without any stomach upset.

  3. They will probably lay around and rest for the first 24hrs. I wouldn't let them do a lot of jumping though and if they have stitches they may be sent home with a cone on their head to keep them from pulling out the stitches. They will pretty much take care of themselves.

  4. Well just leave him/her rest a bit, and give him/her a dog treat or two, pet him/her and make sure he/she is in a comfortable place, like in a bed.

  5. the only thing i would add (the above mentioned is all accurate) is to leash walk your dog for at least a week, no rough play, no running, and if your vet. gives your pup pain meds, he or she will want to run and play much sooner than he or she should.  if you have any other animals, monitor their interaction closely or keep them separated.  good luck!

  6. spayed or neutered?

    spaying is much more involved surgery

    your vet will tell you precisely what to do and what to expect,, when you pick them up

  7. He will be a bit woozy from the anesthesia, and wont eat or drink for a while. My dog threw up her first night home! Good luck and thanks for "fixing" your dogs!

  8. Keep them "quiet"-no rough play, vigorous exercise. Don't let them l**k at the wound-if they start doing that, then I would put an elizabethan (cone) collar on them-it looks goofy, is uncomfortable, but they cannot be allowed to l**k the wound. No swimming-you don't want anything to get into the healing wound and infect it.

    Just keep things mellow for a while-At least a week.

    Keep an eye on it. If it starts to look infected, then call the vet for some antibiotics. Same goes for if it starts to look as though it may be opening up or healing improperly-call the vet.

  9. The vet should give you a sheet to tell you what to do.  I had to keep mine quiet (they are yorkies) so I confined them to a bathroom.  You should keep an eye on the surgery site to make sure it looks ok. other than that you take them back in a week to have the stitches removed.  

  10. pamper them, make sure they have a comfy sleep spot on the floor so they don't have to jump onto any bed. introduce food slowly, according to the vet's instructions. keep an eye on the incision, it may be pink and tender, keep it dry and clean. try to restrict activity for a week at least, to allow the spot to heal properly.  

  11. Put your dogs bed in a clean & quiet area in your home and tuck him/her in. After my dog came home from the vet I set her bed next to mine in my room, and made sure not to turn on any music, TV, etc. and made sure not to go in and out of the bedroom too much, cause activity can stress them out too. The vet will tell you exactely what to do, but its pretty basic.

  12. They will be depressed and upset for  few days, but just act normally, except giving them extra treats. After a few days they will be themselves again. That is what happened to my dg, I was very worried. She was sooooo depressed for about 2 hours afterwards, and she would not do ANYTHING after 1 day, she was a LITTLE better but still depressed and upset. After 4 days she was almost normal, and by 1 week you couldnt even tell, except in the morning she wouldnt eat right away, like she usually will. After 2 weeks she was totally normal again. We had to re- introduce food very slowly, though, but that is pretty much the only thing, other than keeping her very, very comfortable and quiet. For about 2 days afterwards, do not let her romp or play too much, that could damage the stitches, but most dogs dont want to anyways.


      Moon Wolf

  13. ask your vet when you go get your dog

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