
How to take down a big guy fast?

by Guest64324  |  earlier

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All right. I need just a little pointers on how to take down big guy - fast. No weapons. just body. im 6'1 about 175lb. and my opponent is about 6'4 and 230-250lb.

I dont need any advices on "dont get into trouble" or "bring a gun" or "kick him in the b@lls".

I need a simple pointer. because most other times my opponents were my size.





  1. if you have strong low kicks ...go for the ankles or knees

    if that dont work go for the ribs

  2. Go for a double-leg, or a single-leg take down by driving into your opponent. If you manage to pick one leg up, just keep moving around and throw him off balance. You need strong backs and other muscles to do this though. If the guy is too big and hard to take down, I would some times jump on to him and do a submission.

    There's no easy way to take anybody down unless they're a complete amateur. You can also drive your whole body into your opponent and get one arm in between your opponent's legs and it'll be a lot easier to pick him up. But try not to carry the guy on your back because then he can flip while you're lifting him and grab onto your back and go for a rear naked choke.

  3. sounds like you need my $1000 lesson.

  4. well big people usually have big muscles and because of the size of their muscles it slows them down and makes them exhausted more easily.

    If ur going on the offense then continuosly attack the knee and the sciatic nerve that runs along the side of the leg. do not allow ur opponent to back u up. strike openings when u see them. dont avoid an attack cause if u avoid an attack then ur gonna be out of reach of the enemy, be a man and block the attack. when close enough use ur elbow cause the bone is the hardest and sharp so it leaves cuts on the face. dont taunt ur opponent like '' oh yea bring it on, u cant beat me, etc.'' stay calm and dont lose temper. i would recommend learning muay thai. if ur fighting more then 1 person then dont take more then 2 seconds on each person.

    And if u get close to the body then u can jump up and elbow ur opponent on the head its seriously gonna hurt and leave a cut, and dont expect to leave a cut everytime u do it.

  5. How's about shooting a double-leg takedown? Or a single, or an inside trip? All 3 are good for getting a bigger guy to the ground.

  6. you can throw them down by quickly moving behind them and grabbing their shirt between the neck and the shoulders, and jerking on it, I usually follow this move with an ax kick to the stomach but  remember once your enemy is on the ground you one have one hit before you can no longer claim self defense.

  7. kick them as hard as you can in the knees...!

  8. So your saying you arent gonna kick him in the nuts? why? You could go for he's eyes, solar plexus, kydneys, or use a good ol' fashioned headbutt. But hey.. I suppose your one of those guys all hung up on stupidity... Unless its an official fight. Then my advice would be to go for the internal organs, and the solar plexus, pound the kydneys, the liver, and if you can, hit him in the arm pits. If you cant get close, make that mo-fo pay for trying to hit you, and attack he's arms and legs. just dont think and blast ewhatever the h**l is in your way.

  9. Big dudes are sloppy man.  They rely on their size and appearance to intimidate any one and every one.  I've personally fought bigger guys all my life and not by choice, but because they've tried to "punk me out" in the streets and strong arm me.  What I've always found out about "monsters" is that they tend to talk the talk, but not walk the walk bro.  They punch with some really sloppy punches dude.  They tend to be slow like an ox and they have very little agility.  Take full advantage of it too.  Just remember "KEEP IT SIMPLE" on your take downs, keep him off balance with striking, keep backing up if you must, but continue to strike ( punches and kicks ) if you know what you're doing consider take downs that they don't use in the UFC such as Koshi nage - sukui nage or some type of Ippon seoinage that judo utilizes in it's take downs.  Now when I say keep him off balance I mean throw shots real quick to his face and head then make room between you both again then combos again quickly then move out of there.  It has never failed in my life time while defending my self on the streets of Cincinnati's inner city neighborhoods to leave plenty of room between me and my would-be assailants until I chose to close the distance and strike then quickly regaining that distance as I chose to do so.  A grappling match with an untrained individual will only do you good when you have the training for such a thing, but if you have no training then just purely "stick and move".  You'll find that big dudes throw wide shots and tend to leave them selves open.  When I was younger I amazed my self plenty of times defending against men much bigger than my self and I'm only 5'9" with a average build.  I had to deal with just this type of situation through out my teens to mid 20's constantly because of inner city "tough guys" out to prove they could whip some body and it seemed they alwasy picked the easiest going guy around my neck of the woods ( Me ).  Many of them layed shocked and a lot of girlfriends that pointed their fingers into my chest screaming "My boyfriend's going to whip your a**." were just as shocked by the time most of those fights ended.  Then the girlfriends' little attitude went from hard core to total whimp once the cops showed up and even the cops would say, "d**n you did that?"  So never underestimate your self bro.  whether you're in the cage ( MMA Match? ) with this dude or on the streets don't let his size intimidate you.  "Stick and move" a simple technique that has gotten lost over the years...."Stick and Move".

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