
How to take good photography?

by Guest63063  |  earlier

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im a novice photographer

but i want to take really good pictures

any tips?


my camera is a 6 MP vivitar digicam

it has ultrasharp quality during the day time




  1. Look at the subject. I don't mean through the lense. I mean stand back and look at the subject. look at how the light bounces off it. If there is anything that could distract from the subject. I find it doesn't matter if i take the photograph from the same angle as everyone else as long as the subject really stands out.

  2. you must have an eye for photography. if you dont your photos will suck.

  3. check with your local community college (or your equivalent to a US community college if you are overseas) to see if they offer a class in photography.  also look in to whether or not there is a camera club in your town.  don't be intimidated by the fact that members of a camera club are probably better photographers than you, in fact, they would likely be willing to give you many tips and pointers.  

    Don't discount the information you can glean from books, either.  There are many fantastic print resources on learning photography.

    As far as practical tips go, here are three:

    1) Practice, Practice, Practice.  Since you have a digital camera, it doesn't cost you anything if you take a bad shot.  

    2) Take your camera everywhere you go, and if you see something that  you think might make a good picture, shoot it.

    3)  Take the time to consider what makes your good shots good, and your bad shots bad.  Once you start recognizing problem areas, you can focus your study and practice to correct those problems.

  4. before you shoot anything ask yourself this:

    "is this the same view and angle everyone uses to photograph a (flower, cat, or whatever)"

    if you answer yes then dont bother and look for a point of difference or doing it another way

    goto youtube and watch  "masters of photography"

    best wishes


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