
How to take great photographs?

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I need some tips..




  1. Be perfectly still! Have an artistic perspective, try different angles and go to interesting places.

  2. 1) Get Close Up

    Use the zoom on your photo lens or step in close to get an intimate portrait the person. Close up photos show all the details of the subject without background distraction.

    2) Show Emotion

    Smiles are great, but it's also nice to get some photos of peoples' other emotions. Keep your camera handy to capture smiles, frowns, laughter and tears.

    3) Take Black and White Shots

    Black and white images offer photographic variety and eliminate the scratches or blotchiness in the subject. Most digital cameras allow you to shoot in black and white, but you can also convert color images to black and white using photo editing software on your computer.

    4) Shoot from different angles

    Taking photos from different vantage points leads to more visually interesting shots. Try standing above, below or to the side while photographing your subject.

    5) Try a Plain Background

    A cluttered background can distract from your photo. Try taking pictures of the subject against a plain background to focus all the attention on your subject.

    6) Show Scale

    Show scale by contrasting your subject with something larger or smaller.

    7) Take Candid Shots

    Don't stage all your photos. Candid pictures give your photos variety and preserve spontaneous moments.

  3. Control the light. That means understanding aperture, shutter speed, how light can affect mood and composition.

    Control the composition - where you stand, what are you shooting, how little or how much of the subject and its placement are all important.

    HAVE a subject.  

  4. Get off of Yahoo Answers and practice.

  5. To take great photographs you need a great camera...

  6. composition is the major issues with any photograph and will set a noteable image apart from a simple compostition and the rule of thirds, practice practice practice, take a camera with you and just shoot and study your shots.

    the kind of camera is  secondary.  a decent photographer can take a good image with a trashcan wife has shot marvelous images with $10 drugstore throwaway, it's not what she uses all the time, but i'm simply saying that it can be done and done well with a not so great camera.

  7. I am learning too;...

  8. Here is a plethora of selected articles concerning photography :

  9. first its nice if you havee like a good camera and thatll be good because like, the higher resoulution, the better pictyure. and you should try to take pictures of interesting things from different views like the side or think creativee ?


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