
How to take my 95' Volkswagen Golf's dash off.?

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I'm trying to replace my dashboard lights in my 1995 Volkswagen Golf but I have no idea how to take the d**n dash apart. I've been cruising the internet for hours now. Does anyone have good instructions or videos? Thanks in advance.




  1. Are all of the dash lights dead? If it's an automatic, are the shifter lights dead as well? They never burn out all at once. If they are all dead, check the fuses first, there maybe one for instrument cluster lighting, not sure on a MK3. Another possible culprit is the dimmer switch. Is it all the way dim. I frustratedly tracked down electrical system on a mk1 once and it was just the dimmer switch had been turned all the way down... doh!

  2. Check the dimmer first.  You don't have to take the entire dash off, only the odometer and radio area panels.  You can access everything this way.  The odometer lights on the dash cluster are small led lights and you can damage the circuit paths very easily.  Pull the entire cluster out and work very delicately on removing them.  

    The lights around the radio are easy to remove, just pull and replace.  

    I would buy a Bentley manual for you car as it is the most comprehensive I have found for repair.  Here is the one for your model:

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