
How to take notes IN books?

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I read a lot, as in i'm CONSTANTLY reading. I know some people will keep their books tidy, nice, and always in a bookshelf. Then there are others who have there books show the love that is given to them through dog-eared pages, and notes in the margins. I'm wondering, if you are that kinda person, what kind of notes you have in the margin, and highlighting and stuff.

Thanks a ton





  1. I get secondhand books that have the stuff allready highlighted :-)

  2. hoo yeah.

    in high school we were actually encouraged to do that.

    so in my books there's a lot of highlighting, notes in the margins, dog ears, all that good stuff.  Like, i highlight something and then off to the side i write "foreshadowing" or "water symbol" or "imagery" or some c**p.  i know some people put those post-it flags in theirs but i never had those so i didn't.  ahh memories...

  3. I'm constantly highlighting, since most of the books I read are for my classes. Makes everything easier.

    I try so hard to keep my books looking new, but, alas, they always somehow turn out dog-eared.

  4. highliting, writing on the border, or keeping slips of paper in the book to write on

  5. I use highlighting if I'm studying, to reinforce the main points when I re-read it later.

    If I write in the margins it is usually connections with other works or ideas and questions that occur to me at that point.  

  6. I am deffintly a "dog-ear paged lover" haha! I always do that.

    I don't write in the margins of my books. Unless of course it is shakespeare. Then i write the correct meaning of some of the confusing lines, hehe

  7. Umm.. usually I write in the books for school. Like, I would write significant characters down and their personalities.. the setting of the book.. main themes.. morals.. things that you would usually find on the test. As for the highlighting, I highlight dramatic quotes from the book, such as ones that would be important towards the theme.

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