
How to talk like audrey from the little shop of horrors??

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im trying out to be her for my high schools production, but i need a little help. anyone seen the movie? or played her?

much help would be appreciated.

also, tips on projecting my voice? or other singing or trying out tips?




  1. I've seen the movie. It's one of my favorites. I dream of playing Audrey someday, so I've kinda looked into what the role is about.

    Ellen Greene in the movie invented the voice. DON'T COPY. Just make up your own voice. When you're alone, try out different funny voices until you come up with something you're comfortable with.

    Unless of course, the director wants you to do the voice like in the movie. Then, basically talk higher than normal, somewhat breathy.

    To project your voice, practice talking to the BACK of the theatre. You're trying to make it so the people sitting in the last row can hear you. When you project your voice correctly, your throat shouldn't hurt. The key is to TALK LOUD, not SCREAM. In other words, make your voice more powerful. It's hard to describe without being able to demonstrate it to you, but you need to use your abdominal muscles to make your voice louder. Because this will be harder while doing Audrey's voice, you should probably be given a microphone.

    Tips before audtioning: understand Audrey's character. Who is she? What are her circumstances? Etc...

    This website has some good acting tips:

    Hope this helps! Break a leg! =)

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