
How to talk to a cop and judge?

by  |  earlier

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If I ever get pulled over, besides telling the truth, how do cops like to be spoken to? (yes sir? yes officer? etc)

And if I ever need to go to court to fight something, how do I speak to the judge appropriately so that he can be lenient on me?





  1. politely and clearly, no one likes to ask the same question twice.

  2. First, don't assume that your innocent or guilty when an Officer pulls you over. First you want to make a good impression to the officer, you want to appear like a good citizen, a decent person, and a likeable individual as well.

    Before the Officer gets out of his patrol car, make sure your seat belt is on, turn off the radio, leave the keys in the ignition but shut off your engine, and place both hands on the steering wheel, in the 10 and 2 O'clock position, so the officer can see your hands.

    When the officer approaches, say, " Hi, how are you doing sir" in a friendly tone with little emotion in your voice, just treat this as business.

    The officer is doing his job, and the best you can do, is treat the officer with respect, in a business like manner. Ask, the officer what his or her rank is. If he says Sergeant, address him as Sergeant Smith, or whatever his last name is, from now on.

    Don't argue, in this case, the Officer is always right. Even if he or she is wrong,

    Be polite and always address him or her as your honor.

    Dress appropriately to make a good impression.

    Try to bring your kids (or dependent family member if possible) to make your point that you REALLY can’t get a sitter!

    (If you don’t bring your kids, expect to be asked, “Who’s taking care of your kids now?”)

    Bring a copy of your letter requesting deferral.

    Bring along your spouse or a friend for moral support. This is especially helpful if your kids need to use the bathroom, etc. It’s good to have someone keep an eye on your kids when you can’t!

  3. Don't worry about it. Just be polite to both. Simple, huh?  

  4. You don't have to do the yes sir no sire routine, but be sure to be respectful! It may not get you out of a ticket but it will never hurt either. Once I was pulled over for speeding. The cop said I was going 60 and I know i wasn't I had just started moving after a light turned red, cars in front of me and my car didn't have time to reach that speed! But he was only warning me not giving me a ticket so I didn't argue! No point. I was respectful and I left!

  5. The first thing a police officer will normally do when they pull you over is if you ask if you know why you were pulled over.

    Never answer this question except to say no.

    If you say "was it because I was speeding" or "my lights are out", etc then you are in trouble as they may have pulled you over for a totally different reason and you have just confessed to something else.

    Always be respectful. It does not hurt to take the officers details when they stop you as well like their name and what station they are based in. If they know you can complain about them then they tend to be more polite (this is the same in most jobs).

    Try not to argue against facts as well. I imagine that police officers and judges have heard the whole lot several times.

    I was pulled over due to a faulty stop light on my motorbike. I was not aware of it, but I thanked the officer for telling me and told him I would get it repaired because it is unsafe. No further action was taken.

    Never try and condone breaches of the law, especially in front of a judge. For example if you were caught speeding outside a school, arguments like "I knew the kids would be in class" or "I was running late for a meeting" will only cause you more problems.

    Act dumb, never argue and look shame faced if you really did break the law. That is the only advice I can really offer.

    Wearing a suit is a good idea. If you look smart in court, it might help your chances.

  6. Be polite and dress well- a tie can't hurt.

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