
How to talk to a girl way out of your league? (random compliments wont work)?

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shes way out of my league

im in highschool

having trouble with the whole approach thing and i end up pissed over it later




  1. Pretend she isnt out of your league. Maybe she doesnt know shes out of your league. Look at that little dweeb Jlo married. Some beautiful women have men who arent so great. Always go for the best. Eye of the beholder.

  2. If a girl wont talk to you because she thinks she is too good for you then don't bother with her.  She will realise one day that people are just people and that she is no better than anyone else.  

  3. u may think she's outta ur league but im sure she's prolly not ha ha jus be urself and talk to somethin with her that she can relate to then the convo wont be awkward.! and make eye contact with her and look away so then she'll know ur thinkin bout her! (jus don act... stalkerish haha)

  4. firstly this girl is not out off your league everyone is equal in this world and secondly just be yourself and if that is not good enough for her dont change anything about yourself people should accept you the way you are or not at all  people respect you for being yourself never change for anyone and good luck  

  5. Your first problem is thinking she's 'out of your league'

    I'd explain everything, but it will take to long, so Im gonna give you a short summary...

    Stop being so nice to all the girls, as in, stop being so incredibly boring, get a sense of humor, confidence is huge, so is body-language, if she says something snooty to you and puts you down for your looks or something, you can reply back with something like 'Well you ain't no Pam Anderson yourself' or something, girls like assertiveness and guys that stand up for themselves and won't let a girl walk all over them.  

    Be yourself, and by that, I mean, don't act all nervous and sweaty and stutter.

    Also, if you're asking her out, just talk with her for a bit, then say to her, Hey, Im going out for pizza later, you coming?  Ask it in that way so even if she rejects you, it is more like she is losing out than you.  

    Also compliments are fine, but compliment her on something she did, not her looks, that is like complimenting someone for being tall, they didn't do anything about it, it means nothing to them, compliment her on her style or her intelligence.

    Hope I helped.

    O and for the approach part...think of an original funny opener to say, no dumbass pickup lines though.  go up to her and ask her if she thinks you're g*y, then make up a story about how a guy said you had a nice *** and now you're afraid you give off g*y vibes, I use that story it's funny.

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