
How to talk to girls?

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Ok so I started my work as a host at a very popular spanish restuarant. I am going into my junior year in high school and I am younger than the girls that work there by a few years. My first day I already made a great freindship and joke around and couldnt feel anymore cumfortable being around them. Now my question is how long to wait to start asking to haing with them out of work. How can I tell they would hang with me? Do you think they care that im younger by like 2 years? They already offered me a ride home on the first night. But like do you think it would be to soon or just a good idea in general to ask the girls to a movie like after 3 nights at the new job. It would be with a few girls not just me and one. Basicly how do relationships and friendships work with working?




  1. why not try this way: take lunch/dinner with them...

  2. yea it would be cool, just make sure they know your not asking them all out. say you really enjoy hanging out with them and you want to go see a movie with them all some time. or you could ask them to join you and your friends

  3. Talk to them.  

  4. Talk about balls.

    This is the basketball section, you know...

  5. why is this in the basketball section?

  6. You have to be the judge. Ask them to hangout and do it in a friend way. They say no oh well, but they;ll prolly say yes. Don't play any of the girls. Age does not matter. If you like one of the girls get to know them better and flirt with her more, Don't think about this too much it hasnt been that long! Just go with the flow and see what happens. Work relatioships are okay as long as you go in knowing what could happen if it doesnt work out and being mature about it :)

  7. Get them drunk

    This is the BASKETBALL section

  8. well for older girls age is usually a problem sorry

  9. what does this have to do with basketball??


    but yea, i think it's a little too early. and open up if you really wanna ask her to a movie, bring it up casually and talk about it and stuff..then when it feels comfortable, suggest that you go together

  10. If they're older they'll usually initiate the hang outs. I think it's still a bit early for that though it took me a few months before I started hanging out outside of work with older co-workers. Subtly mention a movie that you want to see and how none of your friends want to see it with you.

  11. first off, why is this in the basketball section? lol

    right now, is a good time to ask her out. just be like "what you doing tonight?" then if shes free ask her "lets go watch a movie tonight?" alot of people say being in a relationship while working together is bad but it can also work out. try asking her. you got nothing to lose.

  12. just hang out with a group that is the best way to go u don't wanna seem  like it too soon become friends first and then see what happens

  13. Open your mouths

  14. cumfortable?

  15. work and relationships don't workout. Ask them if they would like to go to the movies with you and your friends sometime.

  16. If you wanted to Kick it just say so! Say Girl how about you and me Kick s**y time!

  17. Don't rush into things, you might make it awkward for them since you are in the same work team. First, girls tend to go for guys who are older than them because we mature ALOT faster than u guys. Wait a week or two, maybe more and just treat them to a movie. Don't suddenly jump on them, just keep things like hanging out to a limit of once or more a week I guess. It might be awkward but if they like you then it should be pretty casual. It might be hard starting a relationship up since you are alot younger than them and at a different maturity stage. Crack jokes, be sensitive be kind, and good luck!

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