
How to taxes work in the NHL?

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How do NHL players get charged income tax? Since the NHL is played in both Canada and in the USA wouldn't the Canadian teams be at a disadvatage signing free agents because there is higher income tax in Canada? But i have never heard anything about players not signing in Canada because of taxes. Did the NHLPA work out some sort of deal with the goverments of these 2 countries?




  1. The income the NHL player makes is allocated by where the games are played.  So if they play 1/10th of the season in Canada, then 1/10th of the income is Canadian-source, the rest is US-source.  It doesn't matter where they signed.

    For US citizens, they include worldwide income on their tax return AND pay taxes to Canada on the Canadian-source income.  Yes, the Canadian taxes are often higher, so they do not get all of the Canadian tax back in a form of a credit.

    For non-US citizens, they file a US tax return (1040NR) to show only the US-source income.  They get a credit on the Canadian return and due to lower taxes, won't owe more than the extra cost of doing the tax return.

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