
How to teach 2nd graders fractions??

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what do they need to know? how can i do it?thanks a lot!!




  1. use pizza, oranges, apples.  they are a very visual and fun way to learn fractions.

  2. 2nd graders need manipulatives to learn fractions. It doesn't matter what you give them to manipulate.  They need something tangible to see what a fraction is.  In second grade, they are still learning what a fraction means.

    So you can take a picture of a pizza and show them how removing a certain amount removes 1/4.  Show them how to divide it into 4 and take 1/4 out of that.  There's a fraction.

    You can also take in measuring cups.  Kids can have fun measuring out how much 1/4 of a bag of pennies is.  I'd stay away from any kind of foods, because kids these days have all kinds of food allergies! You never know what they'd be allergic to and you don't want to get in trouble.

  3. I agree with Purple Princess. 2nd graders are going to need a lot of hands on manipulatives in order to grasp this concept. I had them create their own fraction lines, using strips of different colored construction paper. Start with a 1and label it a whole. Grab another color strip and fold it and then label it 1/2. Do this till you get to 1/16.

    To check their understanding, draw a 12 circles and color 3 of them. Have the students explain what the fraction is, and why?

  4. i would say use food i used to have this book with m & m's and i taught myself

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