
How to teach Subordinating Conjunctions?Teachers!!

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I will teach adult how to use subordinating conjunctions(reason,condition or result only)

Could someone give me some ideas or lesson plan????





  1. start the lesson with some questions related to their daily  lives, expectations, etc. introduce the lesson by retelling what they have said and focus them on the conjunctions they use in their sentences.

    Or, write their answers in simple sentences, let them try to combine those sentences.

    Now you can go further with the topic and don't forget mention your lesson objectives.

    You can teach them all in one session.

    Let the students practice using the conjunctions, first combining the sentences, describing the situations in a picture (if u use any).

    Another thing is: let them listen to a song, ask them to tell their feelings or comments on the song, or talk about the theme.

    There are some games u can do with, such as: chained sentences, find the match.

    OK. Have a try and good luck!

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