
How to teach a horse to barrel race?

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My friend has an Anglo-arab paint cross who is amazing. He can be alittle headstrong but he can turn on a dime and and is as fast as a thourobred. We want to teach him how to barrel race because he seems like he would be really good at it. Could you tell me how we could train him to barrel race? Thanx, any advice would be appreciated. P.S. He is her horse but she keeps him at my farm so this is a joint operation.




  1. first you have to teach him the barrel pattern.

    start at a walk, make sure he knows the pattern.

    then try it at a trot, so he knows the pattern by now, but just needs to go faster.

    once you both have the hang of it (you or your friend, im just saying you cuz its easier to type idk which one of you is training him)

    then try it at a lope.. you want him to know his leads and make sure he gets the right ones.. if he cant do a flying lead change, you'll have to trot around the barrels, like you see most of them do so they can cut it close, and then switch leads coming out of the barrel... now idk if you have too, and i dont think most barrel racers worry about it (leads i mean) but if you wanna teach him, just at first try to get the leads right

    once you get the hang of it and have control... try it at a gallop. you'll see in some shows (my example is the equestrian team) that the barrel racers horses are so fast they circle them facing away from the barrels before they take off.. this is so they have control and they're horses get a good take off.

    hope this explains enough.. im not big in barrel racing

  2. Take things slow and be prepared to break up the training with something slower paced. The last thing you want to do is get a horse that wants to gallop all the time under any circumstances and gets blown away everything. Training a TB cross for speed events takes a little more caution than with other breeds because running is so ingrained in their mind. His TB is probably a little way back but I would stil be cautious and take things slow. Good Luck

  3. At first, it's just continually taking them around the barrel pattern--first at a walk, then trot, then lope--after that you can try a full out gallop :-P  It takes awhile, so don't try to hurry through it.  It'll get really boring waking the pattern over and over, but that's the way the horse learns the pattern.

  4. 1.)For young horses, introduce them to the barrels and be prepared for them to spook.It takes a while for them to get used to the barrels.

    2.)Walk the horse through the pattern. Do this until the horse is comfortable with this, this applies to all steps through training.

    3.)Try a nice, pleasure jog through the course. Do this a couple of times, also.

    4.)After you master it at the jog, lope home. Speed it up a tiny bit every time so your horse gets that this thing is about speed.

    5.)Do this, mixing it up so your horse doesn't get bored with it.

    6.)Once you think you and your horse are ready, slowly lope the course and gallop home.

    7.)When you are doing your first show in barrels, jog the course and lope home so your horse doesn't feel rushed.

    8.)When you get to the pro's, take it easy. Gallop if you know you and you horse are ready.


    A breast collar is a good idea so your saddle doesn't slip when you are taking a tight turn.

    Always wear safety helmets and put the proper leg gear on your horse for his sake.

    To warm up, do some roll-backs at the trot for about 5-10 minutes.


    Don't rush your horse.

    Don't be anxious to go faster and faster.

  5. You need to make sure he has great balence going around corners.  I would start by just working on circles at all 3 gates and making sure he does not drop his sholder.  Try to keep him bending through the circle.  All this will help him build balence so when you start doing barrels at speed he will not fall into the barrels or fall over.  It is not about who can just run the fastest there is a lot of balence and stregth needed.  I would not run barrels every day either because that will just teach him to run all the time.  Maybe a couple of times a week after a good warm up do a couple of rounds as a reward.  Do not go as fast as he can go around the barrels until you have worked on this a long time and you have good footing.

  6. yay! thats great to hear another person interested in the sport.

    well, i have been barrel racing for many years and its to much to explain on here but look up Charmayne James & Martha Josey.

    Charmayne James is an 11 Time World Champion Barrel Racer. They both have a few books and dvds out for Barrel Racers. They teach everything from fitness to the perfect pattern. I have been barrel racing for many years using their methods. im training my gelding using their books and dvds and he is doing great.

    but im happy to hear u r becoming interesting in Barrel Racing! Good Luck & Have Fun!!!

    : D

    Charmayne James -

    Martha Josey -

  7. I recommend you get a book about it (Charmayne James has a good barrel racing book) because there is not enough room on this forum to answer your question. There is SO much involved and if you risk not knowing it all you risk really forming some nasty habits in a horse that seems good to begin with. If you seriously want to take the time to train this horse correctly and get a good result it will take work and it will take time. You also need to know what you're doing so the more DVD's and books you can get on the subject, the better you and this horse will be. If you run along problems along the way I recommend this forum, but as far as the large question of "how"...please find education. Good luck and have fun!

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