
How to teach a horse to do a flying lead change?

by  |  earlier

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Also, do you know what level this is in dressage? I thought it was Lv. 2 or 3, but I can't recall.




  1. Teaching a horse to do a flying lead change takes hard work. Allot of lesson for the horse to get what you are actually trying to get him.her to do. Figure eights!!!! If you know how to ask a horse to lead change then good. Start by walking in a big figure eight. Then start trotting. Then you can eventually canter. Once you start going on the wrong lead you can ask and the horse should process it to switch the lead if not keep going in that same circle until he/she switches it. When they switch it then continue going into the figure eight.

    This will take time. But it work.Each time you start turning in the figure eight ask for the lead change. If the horse does not know how to switch yet the ride will be uncomfortable but this exercises works wonders. Me and my horse are doing great because of it.

    Good luck! =]


    and here is a site

    good luck!! how long have you been riding

  3. To try and teach a horse flying changes you start cantering the direction the horse has the most trouble getting the lead. Most horses favor going left or right. Go into a circle and instead of making a complete circle change direction, exactly when you change the bend lift up your inside hand and bump him with the outside leg. It might feel like a buck at first if you just started doing them. And right after the horses speeds up to get threw it.

  4. Here is an exercise for teaching flying changes. Put a pole across the center of your arena, and do figure eights with the pole as your center of the eight. So, every time you change the direction and bend you are at the pole. Trot your pattern a few times so that the horse knows where he is going, then try it at the canter. When you get to the pole, change the bend and the direction in the stride over the pole. The pole makesa little mini jump so that the horse has the extra impulsion to give you the change. Horses change leads easily and naturally over a jump, so you are just giving him a hint of a jump to help get the change. Some horses take straight to the flying changes and some do not.

    I belive a single flying change is asked for in the Third Level tests. I'm pretty sure its not Second Level.

    "TEM-PEE" - its the plural of tempo

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