
How to teach a visually impaired 13 year old how to swim?

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I am the head coach for a Special Olympics Swim Team. We have a new swimmer who is legally blind and is comfortable in the water, but cannot swim. I talked with her guardians, and they gave me some basic tips, but does anyone have experience teaching visually impaired children how to swim? She is 13 and also has mental impairment and autism. I could really use some advice. I haven't done much work with the visually impaired. Thank you!




  1. Just let her hang out in the water as much as possible.  I know it works for other kids, swimming comes naturally to humans.

    I don't think you need to do anything special.  You may have to teach strokes in your position, but wait until she can swim first.  

    Good luck :D

  2. Hello!  I have been a coach too, so I know how fun "Special O" can be.  The swimming is a real treat to watch.  As for your  new athlete, can she float?  If not, I would begin by using spotters and kickboards to help her orientate to being on top of the water, on her back and on her stomach both.  If she can float, I would start off with having her push off the wall underwater, then pull her knees to her chest and stand.  This might be a long process, with strokes sure to come later.  It's wonderful that she is comfortable in water!

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