
How to teach an angry and aggressive child who hurts ppl?

by  |  earlier

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my daughter, 2.5 now is easily angry. she like to bite, hit pinch and pull ppl hair. i have a bitten wound that still can be seen after 3 weeks. when she bite, she really bite until got blood. sometime she is sweet, fun and enjoy playing with her sis or with me. but once she got angry, it's unstoppable. she can scream until sweat, the body shaking, and keep screaming for 1 hr or until vormit. i try to beat her with a cane yet she doesnt seem to feel a thing. she just become angrier and try to hit me back. i try talk to her, time out, cane her... i dunno wat to do. i worried that she may have some emotional problem. we only have one children psychiatrist in my country and it's almost impossible to see him. do anyone of u think she may be something? i tot she is austistic at first but she is sociable and play with ppl. i check abt adhd and doubt that too. i hope to know wat is her problem then i can help her.




  1. don't cane her...

    I have a scar from a bite wound from oldest

    put her in time out --you may have to hold her there--keep her there until she stops screaming and is quiet and then 1 (quiet) minute for each year of age.  also talk to her what did you do wrong? why is it wrong? what rule did you break? why did you do it? If someone did that to you would you like it or would it hurt?

    ask the child what punishment they would want someone to have if they did that to them?

  2. my nephew is around the same age (2 years, 2 months) and is acting the same way. My sister-in-law bought him a naughty chair that he must sit at when he's bad. She's consistent with keeping him on there, and explains why he's sitting there. It's amazing what this 2 year old can understand. He's getting a lot better

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