
How to teach an over arm serve in volleyball?

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how to teach a 30 minute lessn to a small class with no volleyball experience an over arm serve? (include a drill to practice)




  1. Put a net up and tell the kids it's the same as a tennis serve with no racket and a bigger ball.

  2. I think line them up and pair them up, with partners on the opposite side of the net facing each other. Place them on the center line to get them to get the feel of getting it over. Then move them back to the back line. Practice, practice, practice. Finally, show them proper technique as far as where on the ball to hit and how different hand placement on the ball make it spin and tail differently. All the above within the first hour. Then have them practice like mad. Good luck coach.

  3. Put a net up and tell the kids it's the same as a tennis serve with no racket and a bigger ball.  Just run them through the motions of a tennis serve with their hands.

    It's almost the same action. Good luck

    If it's a kids' class no matter as long as the have fun and move.

    If they can't grasp over head serving they can try underhand too.Just place the ball in their open palm and tell them to punch it with the closed fist thumbs first.

    Have fun

  4. Serving in 30 min or less. Not a problem.  First you want to theach them proper form.  Left foot forward and Hold ball out in front of you with opposite hand (Left hand if you are right handed). It should only go as high as they can reach, maybe a little higher.  The toss is the most important part of the serve so to work on this have them find an X on the floor. You can paint X's or just find where two lines already intersect.  Place the X to even with the ball of the front foot and directly in front of the back foot. Have them hold the ball out and toss it.  Each time you want the ball to land right on top of the X.  Next bring in actually contacting the ball.  The ball should be contacted at the height of the toss and right in front of the right shoulder (where it should have landed in the previous drill).  Bring your dominant hand up by your ear.  Toss the ball and punch at the ball contacting it with the plam or base of the hand.  A good drill to work on this is to have them break up into partners and have one stand on each side.  Have them start at the attack (10 foot) line and if they get it over from there step back.  If they don't get it over they stay where they are.  they can continue to step back untill they are at the end line.  A good thing to remember is that you want your body to stay as quiet or still as possible.  The more movement you do the more you have opportunities to s***w something up.  The less movement you do the opposite is true.  So there are some tips and a couple good drills.

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