
How to teach blind and visually impaired student and what are the problems faced by teachers?

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how to teach language skills to blind and visually impaired studends and what are the problems being faced by teachers when teachind blinds




  1. Teaching language to someone who is blind or visually impaired is exactly the same as teaching to someone who is sighted, except that you use braille books and can't demonstrate with pictures.

    One of the problems faced by teachers who have a blind student is that schools take too long to get braille school books or don't get them at all, so the blind student is reliant on someone else to read the book for them, which will hinder the student's sense of independence.

    Another problem for teachers is that grade 2 braille uses lots of shortcuts, so some blind students will not be as good at spelling, because they forget to spell things out (for example, the contraction for altogether is alt...a blind student may forget how to spell altogether because they always use 'alt').

    As well, blind students will not learn handwriting in the same way as sighted students. Some blind students do not learn handwriting at all, though they should, even if it is just to learn to sign their signature. Many blind students learn braille, and so will read and write in it, and teachers may have trouble with translating work in braille. Teachers should get a blind student to learn how to type, so they can turn in assignments typed instead of in Braille.

    These are just a few of the problems that a teacher may face. It depends on the individual student, just like it does for sighted students. Talk to the student and their parents and therapists, figure out what they need and what they can do.

  2. On the Home Schooling forum, there's a 17yo girl who's legally blind (i_come_from_under_the_rock or something along that line).  She's been in public school, she's now homeschooled with outside mentors.  If you ask over there, she could give you a lot of great info.

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