
How to teach children about sexuality? Intelligent answers please.?

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My daughter, almost six, is just starting school. We have been very open about sexuality with her while still explaining about things being private. But now I see her having anxiety about it. I think it's because of her being around more boys and maybe seeing them differently. I want her to be secure in her sexuality as an adult so I do not want to make it such a bad thing that it hurts her in the future but in this scary world we live in, we must be careful with our children. So I guess I am looking for opinions on how to make her understand the difference between our private areas remaining private and being proud and accepting who she is and what she likes in the future, as a mature person.




  1. I think at 6 the question of 'where babies come from' should still be un-answered to them really. Wait a few more years :/

  2. It is my opinion that sexual discussions with children at this stage of development should be limited. By telling her not to let someone touch her privates is not telling her she has a "bad" aspect to her body or person. It must be explained that touching her (privates) body is inappropriate and that if it occurs she can always tell mommy.

    At this age children cannot comprehend the mechanisms of s*x as they are not capable. The idea of discussing s*x with children in order to educate them about s*x was first adopted by the pedophile community of certain European countries who believe that children are sexual creatures. The debate has raged on. There are people in the psychiatric community who are either pedophiles or are sympathetic to pedophilia and have adopted a leftist ideology present in Europe.

    If you "teach" a child about sexuality at an ever increasing younger age and they can then "parrot" to you what you have spoken to or demonstrated to them, the leftist then surmise that children are competent to give consent to sexual contact. This is simply not true and should be resisted at all avenues. That is why the age of consent in Europe is as low as 12 and pedophilia is 400% more common there.

    You won't harm her by teaching that there are good touches and bad touches. If the Euro-trash were correct , there would be no need to distinguish between the two. But you and I both know there is a vast difference. A child should be focusing on his or her development as nature intended and not accelerated by the dogma and ideologies of others who want access to children under the facade of "freedom" and "enlightened thinking."

    I am also opposed to trial as adults for children. I find it horrible and disturbing. Again, leftist Euro-trash feel if a child who commits a crime can be tried as an adult, then the same child can make an adult decision to have sexual relations with an adult. That is the twisted mindset but the origin of it. Kids are kids and it is physically and psychologically impossible for them to be adults now matter how much wishful thinking occurs.

    I caution you to be less open about sexuality and more focused on the natural development of your child. Never forget she is a child and her frontal lobe will not stop developing until she is in her early 20's. The time will come soon enough for the topic of s*x to be discussed in an intelligent way, but she must first have the basic mental skills and emotions to deal with the discussion and understanding of the topic.

    She is quite happy with who she is and at present if you introduce something such as sexuality to her, she will interpret this in a way in which you are not expecting. If you describe to her for example, intercourse, she will view this as an act of invasion and it will register as "bad and confusing" in her underdeveloped mind.

    I can see that your intentions are good but you should focus more on love, safety, education, play time and sharing at this point in her development. There will be plenty of time later as she matures to discuss the natural and healthy sexual human aspect.

    I hope this has helped...

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  3. Frankly, I'm glad to see that there's FINALLY a parent out there who isn't waiting for her daughter to come home pregnant before talking about sexuality. She's NOT too little to learn.  There are some things she will undoubtedly not understand, but I think you might be doing things right.  We are too closeted in this country about s*x, hence all the sexual problems we have here, teen pregnancy being the biggest one with our kids.  She's probably anxious because she's the only one in her age group that has parents ready to accept the fact that she's about to have s*x.  Don't laugh, kids are having s*x at younger and younger ages.  I have friends with kids under 10 who have already experimented with s*x, touching other friends, having other friends touch them.  Your child now has that knowledge and is better prepared for when this happens to her.  You're on the right track and you know what to tell her and what not to.  Good luck.

  4. I think she's too young. Maybe talk to her about s*x when she's a little older.

  5. Wait till she has s*x ed in school.

  6. When your child is old enough be open and honest about sexuality.  Deal with all issues that affect s*x, straight, bi and g*y.  Talking about s*x is difficult for parents do the best and they respect you.

  7. It sounds like you maybe trying to tell her more than she need to know at this time. I have two grow daughters we were always open to them about s*x when the time was right. You need to just keep telling her that we do not show the boy our private at this time if you think she is going around showing off to boys, I hope at her age she just wants to play with her friend. I do know that there are people out ther that show and tell there kids to much at a young age. As she gets older she will ask you things and you just need to tell her want she need to hear at that timeLet her be a kid as long as you can.

  8. ur daugher is too small to learna bt this. and thats kinda weired at such a small age ur explaining abt sexuallity. age 6 is to play with toys and make friends. so first make her better childhood then think abt his better adulthood

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