
How to teach jack dempsey to... ?

by Guest62271  |  earlier

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on youtube i have seen videos of oscars and jack dempseys jumping out of the tank slighty to get there food out of the owners hand... i have a jack dempsey and i have tried this but my jack only shows mild interest and doesnt jump for it, even though it will go for it once it is in the water... how can i teach my dempsey to jump for its food




  1. Start small.  Let it get very comfortable with your presence.  When you put food in the water, keep your face fairly close to the tank.  After a few days of this, hold the food in the water so it eats out of your hand, still keeping your face close to the tank (if it bites you as an adult, it will not feel great, but while under 3-4", it should be fine).  Over a few days, hold the food closer to the surface until it is only partially in the water.  It may end up splashing you trying to get food at this point.  As long as the fish trusts you, it should be quite eager to take food from your hand.

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