
How to teach kids to write their own skits?

by Guest64663  |  earlier

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This summer I am teaching a Theater Program at a summer camp where I am supposed to have the campers (ages 10 - 14) write their own skits (in groups of about 5 - 10 kids) and perform them for the rest of the camp. How would I go about teaching this class? What kinds of techniques could I use to help the children come up with ideas for their skits?




  1. My own kids have been writing their own skits since they were in preschool (they're just kind of weird this's nothing I taught them).  They usually come up with ideas on their own.  For instance, they were playing with face paint and decided to write a play about some clowns.  They came up with a 30-minute play, complete with costumes, props, music, and everything in the course of one evening.  So...... maybe just lay out a few costumes and instruct them to brainstorm from there.

    One "assignment" I did give them, however, was to create a skit telling the true story of Christmas.  (This was to encourage them to share their "gift" at Christmastime).  They came up with a "news broadcast", where their news caster was visiting various Christmas celebrations and reporting different bits of the Christmas story as it was being shared at each location.

    Don't underestimate the creative mind of a child.  You can throw out very general topics/ideas and then sit back and let them run with it.  What they come up with when you give them this freedom may astound you.

  2. well im 14 and my theatre teacher would give us scenarios but we werent alloud to copy them and out of those scenarious we were supposed to come up with our own

  3. try the charatcher setting situation cards. we use those all the time in drama it helps alot. becasuse for teens and pre-teens to have to fully come up the skit on there own put them under so much pressure. so try giving them the cards and let them build around them you will be very suprised with the result.

    if you need any more ideas email me at : :)

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