
How to teach my son to memorise solar system?

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oops, my son is 3 only




  1. Make up a little song for him. Sing it from the order that the planets are from the sun.

  2. Solar system rap!

    it as easy as 1 2 3 Mercury mercury,  oh boy am I a genius Venus Venus, Boy do I love Birthdays  Earth yay Earth yay, next door neighbors with the stars mars mars,  I am smart like a computer! Jupiter jupiter  ,  say planets like a Patern Saturn saturn , I'll grow up to be famousUranus Uranus, I holp I'll be in kindergarten soon Neptune neptune.

  3. My ...........................................                 mercury

    Very ...........................................              venus

    Educated.................................      earth

    Mother...................................           mars

    Just ...........................................               jupiter

    Showed ...........................................       saturn

    Us ...........................................                 uranus

    Nine ...........................................              neptune

    Planets..................................          pluto

  4. teach with model

  5. pluto is not a planet anymore

  6. "The Family of the Sun" is a great and catchy song sung to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell"...maybe even a 3 year old could remember the names of the planets from it:

  7. You cannot get your three year old to memorise the solar system. he is not developmentally ready to do this. You will just be frustrating him and yourself.

    He does not understand the concept of something like memorisation any more than knowing the words, the concept of the solar system will be lost to him. It would be like asking a three year old to explain what one of the many songs they remember is all about. They can sing it, but does not really undertand the meaning.

  8. I know seven year olds who have trouble memorizing the solar system.

    Why don't you just work with your son on things like stars, moon, space, rockets, sun, maybe the fact that the planets are "circles"?  

    My kids do have a space themed room, and we have a little model of the solar system put up as a part of that.  You could, I guess, do something like that and go over the names of the different planets.  But I do think it's a little early to teach the solar system.

  9. The same way you taught him to drive. Uh, that is, you WAIT!

    He is NOT old enough yet. At 3 years old they should be learning; social skills, how to separate from parents, basic manners, how to sit still during a story, maybe some basic art skills, drawing, coloring, gluing.... Stuff like that.

    Save something for them to learn in kindergarten!! :-)

    Here's a fun song they sang on Blue's Clues years ago. if you start singing it to him now, he may remember parts of it, that's a GREAT place to start.

    The Planet Song!

    Well the Sun's a hot star,

    Mercury's hot, too.

    Venus is the brightest planet,

    Earth's home to me and you.

    Mars is the red one,

    And Jupiter's most wide.

    Saturn's got those icy rings,

    And Uranus spins on its side.

    Neptune's really windy,

    And Pluto's really small.

    Well we wanted to name the planets,

    And now we've named them all.

  10. My daughter was very interested in the Solar System at this age and I went down to the Teacher store and got a huge poster with them all in order. That is right Pluto is no longer a planet. She learned it quickly. has a great solar system book too. Check out your library

  11. The mnemonic device I used was the phrase:

    "My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas."

    The starting letter of each word matches the starting letter of each planet in order:

    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

    I still remember it now, 20 years later, so I'd say it's pretty effective!

  12. Make posters and models, and get him to help. Talk to him about it while you make them and then he'll learn actively. Maybe a mobile of the solar system in his room. He'll grow accustomed to it and learn.

  13. Try and get a hold of the Blue Clues video "Blue skidoos planets."  Our daughter watched this at 3 and memorized all the planets...and we weren't even trying.

    Let's just say it has a catchy tune!

  14. Edit: There are now 8 planets, not counting Pluto anymore because Pluto just happened to be a dwarf planet.

    Well, you can still use My Very Educated Mother....Without the ''P'' anymore because Pluto is out.

    8 planets, easier to memorise, instead of 9 =D

  15. My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). I know its not my business, but why are you teaching a three-year old the solar system?

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