
How to teach riding a motorbike?

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my stepson has just had a motorbike for his birthday off his mum and stepdad, my question is is he being tought right? his step dad is teaching him whilst my son is sitting on the front of the bike, its a 125 and he is only nine and cant even touch the floor on it yet and it only has 1 set of foot pegs. am i being unreasonable in thinking that he shouldnt even have a motorbike?




  1. CR80 is bang on with that answer.

    The bike is far to big for him.

    All he is showing him is which lever does what. You can teach that on a XBOX.

    A 125 is far to big and far to powerful. If he cant even touch the floor how on earth is going to stop the machine??

    My advice. Get them to change the bike at the local dealer for a much better suited machine for his age.

    Suzuki and Honda doe a great kids range of bikes. I know, I think I have owned most of them !!

    Hope this helps.

  2. Jesus they have him on a WAY to big of bike, he needs to be on a 70 or even a 80, 70 preferebly because it is automatic instead of maneul.

    Dirt bikes are extremely fun when you learn correctly, but to put a nine year old on that kind of bike is suicide.

    For learning how to ride I would recommend purshasing some video tapes. They sell them at most motorcycle stores and it helps teach the basics to riding, properly and safely.

  3. He will grow into the bike, thats not the problem. I have seen kids ride before that could not reach the ground because they were too little, but could fly on that bike on a track.

    But hear this. for a first time rider, I would have bought him a bike that he could reach the ground on. Those kids I mentioned before, had a lot of riding time under thier belts, and were in no way a beginner.

    Maybe you should invest in a smaller bike until your kid can ride. He should be able to reach the ground on a beginners bike.....

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