
How to tell Mom-In-Law NO?

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This probably seems totally unfair to my husbands mom but my mother-in-law wants to move in with us for the duration of my pregnancy but my mom is already coming (as is my cousin). The reasons I don't want her hear is she doesnt go with our rules! And we always disagree she would just make things harder. My husband is taking it very bad he thinks its wrong of me to do this but I'm the pregnant one, Not to mention my brother-in-law lives only 2 blocks away so she could just stay with him and com over and help out! But she refuses!!! What should i do??




  1. Not your job to tell her no although you should be able to.  Your husband needs to man up and let his mom know that this is not needed or a good idea.

  2. You simply open your mouth and say "No thanks."  Then, have your husband back you up and continue to tell her "no".  Do you seriously even have room for all those people to live in your house?  I'd use that as one of my excuses why she can't live with you.  Can you afford to have that many people living in your house?  They will use more water and more electricity, so your utility bills will increase.  Not to mention the grocery bill.  Also, how much help do you really need during a pregnancy?  You're pregnant, not paralyzed.  Remind your mother-in-law about that.  Remind your husband that having your mother helping you and having his mother helping you are two completely different things.  Men seem to forget that sometimes.

    *If your mother-in-law is like mine, she'll still show up at your door with her bags packed.  lol  That's when you may have to use the 'hormone' excuse.  Just start crying uncontrollably, tell her that she is the most intolerable woman you've ever met and slam the door in her face.  Then when your husband asks what's going on, blame it on hormones.  lol  OK, that's not the nice thing to do, but wouldn't it make you feel better?!

  3. You have to put your foot down. You can only take so much, the stress would not be good for you. It makes you feel good to have your mother there. And you are trying to meet in the middle and say she can stay at the brother in laws and stop by to give a hand. You just need to state your reasons why you do not want her there. It is your house, your the one who is pregnant. Your husband will just have to see it. If she isn't going to follow things your way then no way.

  4. Wow, that's a tough situation. It's your house, your pregnant, and you make the decisions. That's my opinion anyway. I think you should say something to the affect of, "That's very nice of you, but my mom is going to stay with us, so I don't really need any more help right now." Make sure you tell her and explain in person and not over the phone where she can change the subject or something. Make sure you're nice about it but also firm in your decision to make her see you are serious. Hope this helps. Good luck with your pregnancy.

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