
How to tell a 3 year old about the death of her father?

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i have my 3 year old cousin right now, her father was beaten and was put into a drug induced coma. they took him of life support and he died fri. the funeral is sat 6 hours away from where we live. she has not seen her mother for a week now and wants her mom and dad. what should i tell her. she does not know that her dad has died and i don't really want to tell her. she is also starting to call my fiance her dad... help what should i do. her mother is also 6 hours aways...




  1. It isn't up to you to tell her it is up to her mom.  Call her mom and get her to pick up her child!

  2. The job belongs to her mom.  Go to the funeral, turn over the child to her mom and offer to help anyway possible.  But you aren't the mother.   Good Luck

  3. You didn't say why you are keeping the child or for how long.  If her mother is coming to pick her up soon, then let her mother tell her.  If she will be staying with you for a while, then you need to tell her so she won't be asking about him.  Just tell her that her father died and now he is in heaven.  If she does not know what heaven is, then tell her that he is in a better place.

  4. Call her mother and ask for permission to tell her about her father because it isnt exactly your place to tell her...sorry about your loss...but for now..ask her mom about what to wishes..

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