
How to tell a baby bunny is dead?

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my bunny had five bunnys but two look dead??? please help!




  1. First poke it with your fingers to see if it squirms or anything, If it doesn't then pick it up to see if it feels cold. If its cold and not moving then its diffenently dead.

  2. CHECK IF THEY HAVE A PULSE!! if you dont know where the heart is then  bend the bunnys left arm back and where ever the elbow meets the body thet is probably where the heart is!

  3. Touch the babies that look dead, see if their warm or cold, if their warm but not as warm as the others, and they are moving and breathign cover them with moma's furr!

    If they seem dead but are warm, you may have a chance, slim but none the less a chance, to save them.

    1.Wra pthem i na washcloth

    2.Rub their back gently but quickly back and fourth

    3.Plug bunnies nose, and blow into mouth, rub more, gently press on chest.

    4. Continue for at least 5 minutes, if still nothign either keep trying or give up, and consider them gone.

    If the bunnies are cold and not moving, their probably dead, and have no chance of survival.

    They should be removed and burried!

    Best of Luck with your bunnies! I hope their okay! Email me if you need ANYTHING!

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