
How to tell an aries u like them?

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after telling them u dont




  1. Aries are born leaders and are very competitive.  We tend to have the "big" head most of the time. I am an Aries and  so is my fiance, so I know that Aries are also compassionate and great lovers. So , in reference to your question. I think that they are probably going to feel defeated by the fact that you told them that you dont like them, but after awhile, they will get over it and see it as a new adventure. You should do it in a way that makes them feel superior and in a leadership form, then they will definitely reconsider.

  2. All you got to do is try to be a friend as soon as you feel that he wants to be your friend in about 3 days of being best friends or just friends make the move.But it's tricky because you wont know when he like's you or not.But I got the answer try calling him a few times if he enjoys talking to you or seeing you thats when he has feelings for you.Then make the move tell him then if it goes all like i said you'd be in the bed naked with him in 30 min.(If that's what you want)

  3. Im an aries and a strong believer in astrology,

    If you have told an aries that u just want to be friends or that u dont like them it will take ground work to get them back, aries like to be surprised with thoughtful information, ie try and be on the look out for anything, new shoes, new hair cut etc, Aries are a natural flirt with a high s*x drive so flirting will be your best bet, aries do not like confrontation all the time so flirting via sms or msn is best, once u have the attention of the aries and they are flirting back, let them know that you like them, dont be too foreward just be non chalant about it, aries are passionate and s*x oriented so a slow flirtatious approach would be best

  4. The Aries personality is always a force to be reckoned with.  These are curious and energetic individuals, always delving into new areas, but often quickly becoming bored and moving on, leaving unfinished projects in their wake.  Arians are forthcoming and direct.  They don't generally have hidden agendas or ulterior motives.  If they find an area in which they are interested for a long period, they can become quite accomplished, well-known, and wealthy.

    I would suggest being very open, honest and blunt. If they are wondering why you suggested you didn't like them at first explain why. Match his personality traits to get this message across quite clear.

    Good luck!

  5. My boyfriend is an Aries and I had to tell him I liked him so this is what I did:

    We have have been best friends since I can remember, and during my 7th grade year, I started to like him. In the summer, me, him, and my friends would go to the pool together. One day this summer, he and my cousin's bf came over. We were playing hide and seek with my younger bros and sises, so me and him went up to my room and hide behind by bed. Now, we had been flirting that whole evening and finally, there beside my bed, I held his soft hand and whispered in her ear, "I really like you." I looked away so he could see me face. Then he held my hand tighter and he whispered back, "I know. I like you, too." We have been together ever since. My advice is to get really close to him then tell him in your perfect moment.

  6. Be straight forward and up front. Say what you mean and mean what you say!

    The Aries personality is always a force to be reckoned with.  These are curious and energetic individuals, always delving into new areas, but often quickly becoming bored and moving on, leaving unfinished projects in their wake.  Arians are forthcoming and direct.  They don't generally have hidden agendas or ulterior motives.  If they find an area in which they are interested for a long period, they can become quite accomplished, well-known, and wealthy.

  7. I am an aries.

    For me, I am not that into the chase. Well, I am as long as there is interest shown but I do get a little bored though if the chase lasts for too long and I appreciate someone telling me that they like me upfront.

    The best advice I can give you is if you think this person likes you just let them know that you have changed your mind. I think it might be a little hard face to face but if you can do it go for it, otherwise do the whole txt/email/msg or get a friend to just blurt it out and then they can see his reaction. :) Good luck

  8. tell him you were confused at the time and made a mistake

    or when you guys are hanging out, if there's a silent moment, just kind of grab his hand, and look him in the eye and say everything you need to say

    along the lines of "you know? I think I really made a mistake. -name-, *pause*, I think have feelings for you"

    look cute, bite your bottom lip, and look away, and if you're in a situation where you can kind of give him some space to think about it for a while, do just that

  9. Aries are dynamic and enthusiastic and confident. They respect people who are the same. The best way to tell an Aries you like him/her is to walk up with a cute smile, find a way to start up a conversation (what's our English homework? or talk about teams he/she may be on are good starters) and then come right out and say, "Listen, I really like you. I think you're really gorgeous and I think about you a lot. Would you like to have dinner with me this weekend?"

    It's important that you...

    1) Have plans in mind already. Dinner, a movie, a game. Something. Don't just ask him/her to "do something sometime." Aries people get annoyed by that.

    2) Smile a lot and be confident! Don't hide behind your hair or say "I'm really nervous" or anything like that.

    3) Be funny! Aries are quick-witted and love good humor.

    You're probably in luck, because Aries can also be impulsive and that might play to your advantage. He or she may decide "what the heck?" and say yes to you on a whim.

    Keep in mind that Aries boys and girls usually have a lot of self-confidence, which can sometimes turn into arrogance. You might be getting more than you bargained for.

  10. An Aries enjoys making sure that you are hooked on them forever even if they are over you they will make sure you stay in their lives no matter.

    You need to make sure that your sign is compatible with an Aries so go to the bookstore and look for a huge book called Relationships ~ the birthday one and read to make sure.  Very interesting and is by far the most trustworthy.  I do not believe in horoscopes but I do believe that the stars/birth dates do align in relationships working, your moods and other personalties connecting as well as their moods

  11. I think the best thing to do is be straight up with them, tell them you actually do have feelings for them and apologise for confusing them. Both Aries and cancer are powerful and very self expressive, so the best thing to do is be completly honest.

    Although it shouldn't matter what star sign a person is, if you really like someone you should just tell them as life is to short to be playing mind games. =) Good Luck

  12. the same way you'd tell anyone else

  13. first of all if dealing with the zodiac you have to know if your compatible with an Aries, those signs are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries these are all fire signs. if you are any of these then you will be most compatible with them. if you are a Virgo or Scorpio then you are least compatible with them. this is how the zodiac work, but just because the zodiac says you 2 are not compatible does not mean you can't work together. for example I'm an an Aquarius and my boyfriend is a Scorpio, according to the zodiac we are not even close to being compatible, but you know what we've been together for a year. i think that shows that you can cheat your zodiac. if you like the person go for them don't let the ways of the zodiac fool you. because if you follow the zodiac you will be in for a handful of heartbreak. and if that didn't convince you to listen to your heart and not a simple piece a paper saying the your 2 are not compatible then here is how to get an Aries. Aries are Independent, friendly, caring and inventive and they can be at some times Tactless, rude, defiant and aloof. A "specialist" in love at first sight, the Aries man falls in love immediately and does not take no for an answer, nor he accepts tarrying. He fancies thousands of plans including the chosen of the moment and he does it with sincerity. It’s an adventure to date an Aries man. The chosen one can have all the joy she wants and sometimes even more. Her satisfactions with an Aries man are numerous, although living by his side can sometimes look like a bowling game with grenades instead of balls. Caught in a bustle in which everything happens by one hundred km per hour, the Aries man’s partner can feel overwhelmed and she has to be very fit not to feel exhausted. Unfortunately, the Aries man’s passion goes to waste very quickly, turning into ash after a very short period. After wards he falls in love again. The Aries man is not afraid to get married at a young age. He will do it, even... several times, if necessary. Paradoxically enough, beyond his loud and commanding appearance, the Aries man has a sensitiveness that is hard to notice, as if he were looking in his partner for the image of his protective mother. Whoever succeeds in touching this weak point will win his heart.

    hope this helps :)

    p.s. my dad is an Aries and my mom is and Aquarius which is an air sign mixed with a fire sign. and they work great together.

  14. I would suggest you to use the gift of talking that you have and tell him what your feelings are, because pride is the #1 thing that makes somebody a looser many times and that is probably why you said no at first, then when you found out you were totally wrong that's when you realize what you really want.

    So, it doesn't matter what his sing is.

    First, see if he is what you want or not, so you don't have to suffer in the future.

    Express your feelings and ask him about his thinking.

    Everyone is different, so are the stars above.

  15. It all depends how you told him you didn't like him.

    Was it an argument or did he ask you out or what?

    Cause if you had an argument you apologize and admit you were wrong Aries blow up easily but forget just as easily.

    If he asked you out and you turned him down and told him you didn't like him well then tell him straight out you like him and your sorry you turned him down and ask him out (he may tell you he doesn't like you anymore but fair is fair).

    Did he just tell you he likes you and you told him you didn't well then just tell him "Hey you know what? I'm sorry I told you I didn't like you cause I really like you!"

    Simple in any situation just admit you were wrong and apologize it works most times (unless they were very very hurt).

  16. Well, i am an aries. i would think to tell me you liked me to say it just bring it upo in a conversation. When hinting it, sometimes the person gets the wrong impression. Do not avoid the person you are trying to tell try to hang around them and talk to them. I do not think it matters what your sign is it is the same for every person. But make sure to dress cute, be presentable, outgoing, and flirty. But every person has a different taste in people so if they do not like you do not be upset just move on.

  17. Your outstanding character is that of sympathy, mingled with hospitality. You have a great urge to make others a little happier for having met you. No higher quality could be possessed than this but it is one that may be carried to excess. You spend lot of time and money for the sake of others. Your manner is quiet, as a rule, and this quality gives you the appearance of being strong and determined in the eyes of your fellow-men and women. It enables you to get your own way when you want it. Though you are an excellent person but when anger overtakes you, you are irritable, quickly roused, easily annoyed and devoid of patience. The great thing for you to do on these occasions is to practice the art of mastering your own actions. Make up your mind to be strong and cultivate such qualities as determination. Your greatest weakness lies in the way you treat others. You cannot tolerate inefficiency and you are apt to consider those who do not see eye to eye with you as being hopelessly beneath contempt. It would not be difficult for you to cultivate a more charitable and tolerant view towards those who are likely to earn your disapproval. At any rate, it is well worth trying.

  18. I'm not trying to butt heads with anyone here, but someone being an Aries doesn't mean that their personality, essentially who they really are, is defined by that term. I think that, even if you're a believer that a zodiac sign defines who you are, you should just not think about him being an Aries and express your feelings to him, even if you already said you don't like them. Zodiac signs should never prevent you from carrying out an action (one that isn't violent, I mean).

  19. Do something fun with them that they like to do- they are easily distracted by action, fun, especially social fun.  Find out this person's hobbies, interests, favorite activities and do that.  YOu may have to apologize if you were mean before when you said you didn't like this aries.  But show that you're interested in him/her and that you're willing to bond over a fun activity.

  20. you know if you/that person is Aries it doesn't matter? usually it's best to be your self, like as in you can flirt with that guy, be straight forward and tell him that you were to embarrassed or something to admit you like him, or just tell him :]

    It's best to be yourself n act the way you would usually talk to guys, because trust me I've been in your situation before, so take my advice and just talk to him tell him the truth you actually do like him :P

  21. Aries hate people who lie, so if you don't like your aries buddy you are talking about; don't tell him/her that. The reason why I say that is - when the aries will discover that you were lying to him/her, they become really mad and can react electrically. But once you have told the aries you don't like them there is no going back.

    Aries are like TIME; you can never get them back.

    So, good-luck!!! But if you tell your Aries the truth why you didnt like them in 1st place and now you like them; THAT'S THE ONLY CHANCE!!!

  22. I dont think it matter about the aries or any kind of symbole u have . But know that u told the person  u dont like them kind of flirt with that person ( it works best if u have msn messenger or aim)  and if that person goes along with it keep on going . Then after a while tell that person the biggest 2 words that will make the person u like LOVE u  u sayy : let just call ourselfves : friends with benefits  then that will give that person the hint that u are interested , after telling him u werent . trust me it works!!!! i work at the DORA  ( devellopement of relations asocition) and it works

  23. From my experience, Aries are very driven by emotion, they are spontaneous, and very proud, they are hard to read sometimes, because they don't always tell you the truth, specially when they are hurt and they act like everything is okay. Assuming you are an earth sign, like Capricorn, or Taurus, you can just be straight with them, tell this person that you like them, and the reason why you lied. Best of luck.

  24. Here's what you do

    Start by having a conversation, just a friendly conversation, then, bring up what a mistake it was telling then that you dont like them, Aries like to be accredited, you can easily earn brownie points their!! Make sure you tell them how stupid of a decision that was, trust, he will like you back

  25. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and just like their star sign they like to be first in life as well. The Aries Horoscope symbolises the ‘I’ and the ego. Aries is a cardinal fire sign which gives their personality fiery qualities, impulsiveness and optimism. Their cardinal quality also gives then leadership abilities.

    People born under the star sign of Aries are full of energy and excitement but can also sometimes be egotistical, negative with a tendency towards impatience and irritability. Aries are people with drive, ambition and a powerful intoxicating energy.

    All of this shows that Aries may be hard to please however, their energy can be overcome by enchanting their ego!  Compliment the person, making them feel good and you will be on your way to getting into their good books again.  Then just tell them...

  26. Just do it casually, like you would anyone else! You know that the zodiacs are always changing slightly, and as an amateur astronomer I have learned this through working at an observatory. In fact, in about 1,000 years all of the zodiac's dates will be COMPLETELY different. They are just what stars are in a certain place relative to our solar system. It does not determine a person (but I do think that the aquarian characteristics are oddly similar to my personality and the careers suggested are everything I have ever wanted to be!) But back to the topic at hand, just do it in a laid back manner, while still letting him know that your feelings are real.

  27. I am Aries and my sign has made no difference in my life, people talk to me just like they do anyone else. People have expressed that they like me just by saying it or through little actions like taking me out or giving me small gifts.

    As far as telling me they like me after they turned around and said they didn't , they make up millions of excuses as to why they said it in the first place. I am quick for forgive and give second chances, but everyone is different.

  28. Well it doesn't matter if he is an Aries or a Aquarius, im he is a person. And you should just tell him that you told him you didnt like him because you were scared and now you want to tell him the truth because you want to take a chance at love and you really do like him and your sorry for lying. Be yourself and even though it will be hard telling him how you feel its for the best and you might even get a good relatsionship! good luck!

  29. well heres some info on how to attract an aries

    Let Aries know that you admire them, they thrive of admiration and followers. Let them know that you love their zest for life and that you find them intriguing, they love compliments more then most other astrology signs of the zodiac. Compliment them physically and mentally, they like conversation about intellectual topics and engage them in a lively discussion, or a friendly debate. They love the challenge and the stimulation of good, intelligent conversation. Ask them for advice, let them know that you look up to them. Remember, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and the most forward and independent, they love followers. Do not be a push over, do not keep your opinions to yourself because Aries will quickly get bored if you agree with everything they say. Do not attempt to control them however, they do not like taking orders. Aries are very capable people so if you go with their plans, you are sure to have a good time! If they have a suggestion for something to do, go with the flow, they like to be in control of what goes on

  30. Regardless a persons sign, I don't believe a person has  to verbally tell another person,  that you like them.  It is human nature (generally) to like a person who treats you with respect, kindness, warmth, love etc.     If you really feel as though you must  verbally tell him/her,  I would suggest  that you have a big smile on your face, look them in the eyes and  using a tone serious, yet bubbly, say "you know, i really like you" .  jShort and to the point.  Body language is very important also.  Don't schlop all over the person one inch away from their face.    


    By the way, when someone address's another, they should always look the person in the eyes (unless at a game etc.).....many people don't  now a days.When you don't look them in the eyes, It doesn't exactly make the person you are talking to feel worthy of your attention.

  31. Well hunny you need to be honest with this person and let them know your true feelings. Its better to say it then not at all and regret it later on, never knowing if it was something real. I would go to them, and say your feelings have changed toward them and you know you may not deserve it but you would love another chance.. If they say why should I give you one? You can stay, well because I think everyone deserves a second chance and I really have strong feelings for you. Can we start over, see where this goes..

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