i work as a part-time assistant accounting clerk for a local company. i have been working here for a little over a year, and have never had any problems with anyone. just a few months ago, the full time accounting clerk quit, and i filled in for her for two weeks. the work was over whelming, but that was because summer hadn't started yet and they didn't have other part time staff working yet. well then, they hired a new full time accounting clerk, and i finally got to go on a vacation after training her a little, and since she was so nice and willing to learn, everyone was happy.
when i came back from my vacation, i was called in for a couple of hours each day to help the full time lady catch up with work, as she was still new and learning, and she couldn't finish it all on her own. i didn't mind it, because i knew once she got a hold of things, she would start finishing the work herself.
boy was i wrong about it!!!
summer started and the part time staff started working everyday. we did almost everything for the full time lady, so she didn't have as much to do anymore. but she would still not finish little everyday things and keep leaving a mountain of her stupid work for us to finish each weekend. i guess since i helped her out at first, she thought i would be doing her job for her forever????
well anyways, one weekend, i just snapped, and left an angry note for her telling her (without using any bad language) that she needs to finish the little things everyday so it doesn't pile up, as it takes longer to finish the mountain of counting tokens than one little bag. also to make sure she was numbering the bags right ... and blah blah.
well, the next day all of the part time staff, including me, got an email from the accounting manager (my boss's boss), saying how if there was work left to do on the weekend, we were to not leave it there and to do it (even though we had never before left it there). well, she also said that SHE would try to finish some things during the weekdays, but it still needed to be done if she couldn't do it (why should she do it? it's the accounting clerk's job)
well, i don't know if they thought that my note meant that i am not willing to finish the pile of extra work left from the weekdays, and i dont know how to respond to her email. i know that if i come in to the office one more time, and see another mountain of stupid things (that take only a couple of minutes to do each day but hours to finish if there are week's worth of them), i will probably just walk right out and never go back to that work again. i really do like my job though, and was wondering if any of u had any advice as to how to resolve this issue?????