
How to tell boss your pregnant??plz help..?

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i have been working at my job about a month now, and i did not admit i was pregnant at the interview because i was told by my dr. my chance of miscarriage was high (we did lose one of our babies, it was twins). So now I am 17wks and showing, but i never see my boss, we only have phone contact, and the people i work with directly are to polite to ask or say anything so she (the boss) still doesn't know! I am worried about calling her to tell her, afraid that she will be upset and put off because i didn't say anything sooner.. i just didn't want everyone to know if we were to lose the whole pregnancy. i need some advice on how to explain this to her.. do i go into detail explaining why i didn't say anything or just say i'm pregnant and thats that? not sure of the best way to handle this.





  1. With both of my pregnancies, I told my bosses early on because I was very sick and having trouble focusing at work.  In both cases, I made it a really positive thing, so they didn't really have a choice but to share in my excitement.  Try something like this...  "I have some really exciting news to share - Erick and I are expecting!"  Of course she'll say "Congratulations" or something similar, and you can follow up with - I'm due in January, so I'll speak with HR and find out the details about maternity leave.  We can talk about that as the date gets closer.  I don't think you owe any explanation as to why you have waited this long.

  2. I would just call her and tell her exactly what you said here...that your chance of mis-carage was high and that your work will not be effected by the pregnancy. This isnt something you can get fired over so dont stress there. But really honesty is the best choice.

  3. I told my boss at about 12 weeks he was very understanding I also wrote him a letter stating I was pregnant and intended to take a maternity leave when I was about 30 weeks you wont be able to avoid it much longer pretty soon it wont just be a little extra around the middle

  4. you dont have to give her any details what so ever. she cannot fire you for being pregnant and not telling her before now. if she asks and you feel the need to give her a reason without going into a bunch of detail. just tell her that you didnt know until recently that you were even pregnant

  5. I would tell her I am 17 weeks pregnant and I did not say anything before as per my doctor we wanted to make sure eveything was alright  

  6. You need to let her know ASAP before she finds out from someone else!  My opinion - come up with a TENTATIVE plan about who and how your position/work will be covered while you are out.  Try and get a gestimation as to how long you will be out on maternity leave.  The best plan is having a plan and if you can provide her with some answers to her questions - she will feel more secure about you leaving.  Luckily - she can't fire you so you are covered.

    Personally, I would say something to her like "my doctor had suggested I not tell anyone about the pregnancy until now because I was at high risk of miscarriage.  I hope you understand why I have decided to wait until now to tell you.  I just didn't want to deal with the heartbreak of telling everyone if this pregnancy didn't make it."

    Being that she is a women - I would think she'd be more understanding than a male boss.

    Good luck.  Just be prepared to discuss tentative dates to leave and return so you sound ready and still dedicated to your job!

  7. I would just tell her what you wrote here sort of , let her know the truth and you can't lose your job over it!!! That would be discrimination.

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