
How to tell difference between chinese and korean!?

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they are neighbours so they have same features and japanese people as well. im not trying to offend anyone i am very interested! i am just asking any tips to look for to find out where they are from or is it impossbile




  1. I'm not sure if it's possible based on physical appearances alone. It's like asking whether someone is German, Swedish, etc. If your neighbors are friendly, just ask! I get it all the time, and although it can get old, I know that people are just curious. Just be tactful about it and don't pose some awkward, open ended question like, "So, are you Chinese, or, uh...?" and wait for them to fill it in. That's the worst. "Where are you from?" is also tricky, because they may have lived in the US their entire lives, and they know that you are just trying to get at something else.

  2. If you focus on their facial structures, you can learn to detect systematic differences between them.

  3. To us they might look the similar, to them most likely not. Easy way, just say hey you look Chinese. If they go off on you like a crazy person. There not Chinese. Especially if they are Korean.

    Me, I think Chinese are more round faced, with less eye lasses. Japanese more oval faced, a bit more eye lasses.

    Most likely way in the past. They're ancestors might have been the same. With time and breeding with other races people change. Long enough and new borders we become different people.

    Look at the inuit indians of Alaska. Almost look like there could be asian Ties there.  

  4. Ask them what other languages they speak.  While some Asians from some countries have a sterotypical look, others may be Korean with Japanese or Chinese charteristics & vice-versa.  The name will offer some clues, but I had a Korean girlfriend named Kwan (Chinese name). One good ploy is to mention they have an accent you can't place & you wonder in what country they lived as a child. The best method may be to find out how they spell their surname, then google that name to determine the country of origin... not absolutely fool proof (as I pointed out earlier) but likely to be correct.

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