
How to tell her?!?!?!?

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Ok there is this girl I really like in my first hour but theat is the only class we have together no lunch or anything. I make her laugh and look her directly in the eyes. I think she might know because there is 3 girls at my table and I ignore them (even the one who likes me) to talk to her. On monday it will be our third week in school so I don't know if I should wait some more.

Extra info.

I will ask her for her number on monday. I'm really outgoing, and we share lots of the same interest I'm not afraid to speak to her or other girls I'm very confident but not cocky. So what should I do wait or go for it?




  1. Doubt your that confident if u have 2 ask on Y!a but thats beside the point. Wat u need to do is look at her facial and body labguage to make sure she likes u. If she sits close to u she probably like and if its across the table she thinks of yall as friends unless her friends jack her spot wich i doubt cuz most girls tell their friends who they like. Its a fact of life.

  2. Play it a little slow and then ask for the number monday but do it in a quiet place like after class not infornt of people just in case she actually say no but you seem like a good person so how could she say no lots of love and luck :)

  3. Just go for it.

    I'm sure she would be happy from what you told us.

    She probably knows you like her, or has a feeling.

    Go for it!

    Good Luck :]

  4. welll, i think you should go for it, cuz if you wait, she WILL get bored. trust me. and i think she already thinks you like her. but if you don't make a move, she will think that you DON't actually like her. then she will go for someone else and move on. she will become less interested. so yes. GO FOR THE GOLD! i think.... so...... after you ask her for her number. then. ask. her. out. doit! =] if you want!

  5. Well, i do see what you mean. Rep is a hard thing to maintain, but on the other hand you can counter by saying, "at least i aint chicken" and "At least i have the guts to ask someone out".

    It doesent make up for it, but its better than nothing.

    Other than that-go ahead, lifes to short to wonder what could have been.

  6. don't want to be to pushy.You might scare her.Just go ahead and ask her.BE CAREFULL she may be dating someone else or like someone else so be sensitive to her!Hope I helped...GOOD LUCK!!

  7. Sorry: the worst thing she can do is say no.

    Believe it or not, high school doesn't mean sh it. It's so trivial in the long run, and their "respect" is bs. You're just making excuses because you're too scared to ask, which is understandable, but wouldn't you get more respect for making a move rather than being a coward?

    Just ask her out. There's no other way to know. You don't even need to ask her out right away. Just start talking to her. Don't come on strong, and become her friend. You don't need to leap into it.
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