
How to tell him I want a baby?

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How should I engage in telling my husband I want to conceive?




  1. I hope you don't mean you're afraid to bring it up and that you just want a fun way to tell him.  I mean, if you're not in a place where you can communicate your wants openly, then you're definitely not in a position to bring a baby into the picture.  A baby puts a huge (immense) strain on even the best relationship.  

    As far as fun ways to bring it up -

    Bake him some cupcakes, but don't call them cupcakes.  Offer him some baby cakes.  When he looks at you like you're crazy, ask him if he thinks they'd look good next to an actual baby.

    Go shopping together and wander off and pick out some cute baby clothes.  Ask if he wants to make a baby to wear them.

  2. Just tell him that you want to be pregnant. As simple as that.

  3. It really depends on the type of person your husband is and if you have any feelings on whether or not he wants to have children yet. If you think he doesn't want them yet, then you may want to simply be direct with him and negotiate on a timetable for when you can start trying.

    If he's normal but simply hasn't thought about it yet, try being funny. The way I let my hubby know was, one night, we went to a friend's house and she had a 6 month old baby. The baby kept making faces at him and he made faces at her. I joked, saying something like, "Look at you... gettin' my ovaries into an uproar..." Everyone laughed. Later that night I hinted more at how it was 'kind of nice' seeing him playing with the baby. He made a joke like "oh God" and rolled his eyes, but I joked again saying, "I think it's about time to put you and those sperm to work." He didn't have any objections and I think using humor sort of diffused any awkwardness.

    Again, though, if you know in your gut that he isn't ready yet, I'd stick to being direct. Just tell him that you're starting to feel ready and your body isn't definitely telling you that you're ready. You understand that he might not be but you should at least set up a timetable... within 2 years or something... to start. This will take a bit of pressure off of him while also giving you both some time to prepare.

    You never know... he might be totally ready and not sure how to tell you.

  4. "honey... i love you so much, i want 3 just like you!"

  5. start by asking when he would like to try and have one. and ask him why he thinks he should wait that long if he says in a few years.

    or just blurt it out.

  6. just bring it up. ask him when he thinks he would be ready to have kids and tell him that you already are. women tend to be ready sooner than men- that whole biological clock thing, but it shouldn't take him too long to come around if you two have already discussed wanting a family in general. if he thinks you can't afford it, discuss changing your spending habits so that you can put one salary away for the entire time you are trying to conceive and while you are pregnant. that way when the baby comes you have all that money to live off of while you do not have an income, assuming you want to stay home for a while with the baby. poorer people than you have kids and they make it work just fine.

    good luck!!

  7. Tell him you think it's the right time. Make sure to make him feel included and say " i think you're ready to be a daddy" and see what he says and how he reacts. Make sure he's comfortable with the idea and umm enjoy baby making!

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