
How to tell if I have a fractured/broken tailbone?

by  |  earlier

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Ok im going to feel stupid but i was swinging on a vine and i didnt know that the fine wasnt attached that well i swung and fell on a rock on my tailbone.Then that same day i was riding a bike down a hill and stopped and the bar between your legs hit me right in the tailbone.And now it hurts to sit or run?




  1. You don't need to go to your doctor unless it is extremely painful, i never have for broken tailbones, because they can't do anything to help.  It'll hurt less to sit up straight on something hard.

  2. I have no clue how to tell except for you to go to the doctors.

  3. if its bruised or swelling you most likely did something to it. So go to a doctor.

  4. You should definitly get it xrayed to make sure because if it is fractures/broken it needs to be tended to right away !!

  5. its sore now if it still hurts in a few days go 2 the doctor

  6. idk

  7. The only way to know for sure is with an X-Ray, but it is going to hurt for a while regardless if there is a fracture or not. Put it on ice, take some Advil or something and hopefully it will start to get better over a few days, but if you notice No improvement after a few days, or it gets worse, or the swelling doesn't go away or gets worse, then you have to  get an X-Ray.

  8. I'm sorry about your accidents.  I suspect you hit your tailbone very hard, indeed. There is only one sure way to determine whether you broke it, and that is an X-ray.

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