
How to tell if a black cat is male or female?

by  |  earlier

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it has a high pitched voice though, not sure if males can have girl like voices. it looks like it has balls, theyre together ish i guess but i cannot flip it over, it'll swipe at me and probably scratch my face off.




  1. You'll have to look at it's anal area. If' it has balls it's a boy, if it has a v****a it's a girl. If it's not your cat, why do you care?

  2. Look under its tail. You should see the a**s. If you see two round things under that, those are testicles and its a boy, if not, its a girl.

    Cat's voice aren't different based on gender.  

  3. Lift the tail up and look. If you see testicles then its a boy, if not a girl...

    If you see what looks like a  : (colon)  then its a boy. For a girl it can be descibed as looking like an upside down  ! (exclamation mark).

    Hope that helps

  4. same as you would any other cat, look at its pee pee

  5. A female kitten's genitals will resemble an upside-down exclamation point with the vertical vaginal slit below the a**s.

    A male kitten's organ will look more like a colon.

    Also, the female's vaginal opening is closer to the a**s than the male's budding p***s, which may have very small lumps between it and the a**s, which will develop into testicles.

    It will be very difficult to accurately tell the s*x of a kitten until it is at least two weeks old, and even then, both experienced breeders and veterinarians have been known to make mistakes. I included two websites that give helpful drawings to help you figure it out:

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