
How to tell if a person is a friend or not?

by  |  earlier

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I have a friend, I think, who says we are friends. I have know him for 3 years and just know have been told where he lives. I have given him my phone numbers and told him to call me or even just stop by my place and we could hang and have a few beers. He has never called or even stopped by. He gave me directions to his place a week ago and told to me to stop by whenever I felt like it, I cannot tell if he is a friend and I should go by or if he is just saying it to be polite with the hopes I will not come by. How can I tell if he is trying to be friends or just being friendly?




  1. I would never go by anyone's house without having someone with me.

    There are too many freaks out there.

    This person sounds shallow and maybe not too safe.

    Find out more before you place yourself in a bad situation.

  2. Why don't you hang out with him more and see?

  3. probably he is not your true friend.

  4. Have you known them in person or over the internet? If you met them over the internet do not go to their house, could be some kind of trap or something.

    If you have known them in person you might as well give it a shot and stop by if you really want to. Their reaction will be a good way to determine if they were being genuine or fake. Of course they could just be having a bad day too.

  5. Invite him over at a specific time for a get-together, not just an open offer and see if he shows.

  6. instead of guessing why not just talk to him. Sit him down, if this is that important to you , and tell him what you think a real friend is and ask him what a real friend means to him. If your ideas match up then there is a possibility that your not friends. Because if what you consider is a real friend, and what he considers is a real friend are the same, then he knows that he isn't true. HOPE THIS HELPS!

  7. He's probably just any other friend.

    Don't think so much.


  8. I wouldn't go unless you're bored. It sounds like he's trying to be friendly. Put the ball in your court that way it's not his fault you guys never hung out..

    Oh yea if it is an 'internet' friend I say h**l no, do not go. That could be very dangerous. If it is someone you meet online I wonder why would you tell them your name, number and address?

    I would not go by there alone, ever. It would give him the wrong idea and put you in danger even if you have known him before.

    Please be safe..

  9. he probs is your friend but just doesn't have the time to drop by.

    go and see him and catch up and see how things work out.


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