
How to tell if hand has a boxers (brawlers) fracture?

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I punched something yesterday and my last three knuckles are swollen. When I move my pinky up and down I can feel something that feels like its popping out and back in. I'm not sure because I can still curl all my fingers, though to different degrees.




  1. Not a boxers fracture.If it was one, you wouldnt be able to move it at all.

    Put ice on it.

    The lady below me, kicked my @ss...


    Good Job Nurse *thumbs Up*

  2. Quite often the only way to tell if something has a fracture is to x-ray it. Swelling and pain and bruising only indicate an injury. Just because something is broken doesn't mean you can't move it. Ice, elevation, advil 600mg for anti-inflammation and pain. A splint to limit movement and help it heal.  

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