I have a question in my school. Goes like this. 1 line diamgram and the panel C is the electrical panel. How is it possible for you to determine from the diamgram (not shown) if panel C is a single phase or three-phase panel. Here are the answers they give you. A) because the conductors feeding panel C are in 2.5 inch conduit, B) the letter C is a standard code that identifies it as single phase, C) the four #3/0 conductors feeding it most likely identify it as three-phase. but looking at a three-line diamgram of the same system would tell me for sure if it's a single-phase or three-phase or D) All time clocks are single-phase, so it must be single-phase since it has a time clock connected to it. Sorry I do not have the single-line diamgram uploaded. But could someone try to figure it out, by what I said. I think th answer is C. Thanks!