
How to tell my PE coach im too LAZY to join Athletics??

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I am the fastest, and the strongest in my PE class and the coach said she would love me to join her Athletic Class because I make better times then most girls already in Athletics and she believes when Track Season comes, I will get some medals.

The thing is though, im lazy, I guess she is thinking im watching my weight and working out alot because I am naturally skinny, that is NOT the case though, I go bike riding with some friends every once and a while but nothing drastic.

I hate the idea of having to do after school practice and working 10x as hard in Athletics, PE is extremely easy all we do is run a few miles a day and do some toning, and volley ball on Fridays lol.

So, what is a better way of telling her that im lazy without actually telling her "sorry coach no can do, im lazy" I really don't want to give up my hours after school for this...

Any ideas??

Please do not tell me to join Athletics either, Im not interested in any outside of school activities, and im not a proud student of my High School, considering we lose alot of games and stuff.

I prefer books over running :D




  1. Well, okay. Just tell your coach that you would love to join but you have other important various  non-school related activities. You don't have to go into detail. Just say you're unable to.

  2. OMG I have the same problem!  I'm one of the fastest in my gym class but I really don't want to spend my time after school running around a track.  the track coach and my gym teacher asked me to join the team but i just told them that running wasn't really my thing and I wouldn't have time to go to practice or compete.  They were like, "Oh, okay then.  Maybe next season."  So just tell them the truth or make up something to get them off your back.  Hope this helps!!

  3. Wow....... i think it would be easier to just put in a small bit of effort and actually gear up for the upcoming season. you may be the fastest in your class but you shouldnt get too cocky...even if your teacher gave you a little positive reinforcement. Besides, if you are lazy how do you expect to win any medals?

    ill bet there are alot of other people who are better than you, or could possibly become better than you through training.

  4. I would say my parents want me home after school. Can't agrue with that.

  5. I think books are better that sports and you should have confidence in that.  Be honest with the coaches, they should respect that you are not interested.

    You sound cool, keep up the good work.  I don't think it is lazy to not play sports.  I think it is lazy to not study and improve  yourself.

  6. Tell her that you have a lot of things going on in your life and you don't have extra time to commit to out of school activities. If she doesn't like that.. she isn't going to shut up about it no matter what. It's your choice and if she doesn't like that you are going to have to tell her to back off.

  7. Just tell her you want to focus on school work and think it would be to stressful to join the athletics club

  8. just say no thanks im not really interested in joining, i have things i do at home  

  9. Just tell her the truth. You dont like sports and you don't want to join the team.

  10. Tell her you don't have time for any athletics. A little white lie won't hurt : ) besides who wants to be on a team who always loses??? Gross, not me. lol be proud of laziness! It's a sign of good character XD

  11. Do what U want ! They can't force U 2 perform 4 them, like some circus animal, 4 THEIR  amusement !!!

  12. Well... the core of it is simple. You don't want to. If she can't accept that, then tough... it isn't her choice.

    You might also tell her simply that your priority in school is in academics and study, and that you feel your efforts would be best spent in hitting the books rather than hitting the track. Based on what you've said about having a preference for staying at home and reading, that's fairly accurate.

    Don't tell her it's just because you're lazy. That's only going to put things in the worst possible light.  

  13. just do it  who cares its just some fun stop being so lazy

  14. Unless you really owe her an explanation i'd say don't worry about answering her.  If she keeps hounding you to join tell her the facts that you rather enjoy working out by yourself among other activities that you have interests in and this added club would not fit in your schedule. "thanks for the offer"  and you're done.

  15. I would just tell your coach you just don't want to right now maybe later... you shouldn't have to go through trouble just because you don't want to do something.  

  16. tell her " coach I am terribly sorry but I would rather read than be in athletics so I'dhave to decline your offer" or something like that...

    Bdw u luk hot in that avatar :) msg me ;) lol ....

  17. Well just tell your coach that you kinda don't wanna do it. Just say that you wanna have time for friends to and make sure you tell them that you would but you just wanna keep up on your school work an stuff (:

  18. Just tell her that you all ready have alot gong on in your life & you just do not have the time for After School Sports.

    Good Luck.

  19. if she asks then just smile and say "no thank you, i'm not really interested, but thank you for the offer"... its your decision and your life so dont let her make you join and dont let her make you feel bad about not joining. you will feel relived after you tell her straight up.  

  20. Tell him your school classes are overwhelming to you and you need to concentrate on them.  That SHOULD do it!!  :@)

  21. Tell her that you want to focus on your studies and social life more than athletics. No coach can force you into doing anything you don't want to do, so there shouldn't much of a hassle there. Good luck.

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