
How to tell my friend the truth?

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Shes wearing thicker eyeliner and ever since she got a padded bra (she was flat) she lets the strap AND the cup part hang out of her shirt. She looks like a complete sl*t but she's sensitive... so what do I tell her? I don't want people to make up rumores that she like stuffs or she lost her v-card over the summer....




  1. Just be honest with her. Don't turn it into a huge deal. Make sure you tell her when you're both alone and just say it in a casual but sensitive way. Be sure to reassure her and make sure she knows that she can trust you etc.

    Before you tell her, ask yourself how you would feel if you were your friend? How would you like to be told?

    Good Luck!  

  2. Just tell her straight out what you think ,and tell her your only trying to be nice and help.

  3. Well you're right: sensitivity is key here.

    Just tell her ya love her and just want whats best for her. That you dont want people saying c**p about her and that she's a  great girl and setting the wrong impression.

    She's probably just trying to be more attractive and liked and its backfiring a little.

    Good Luck!

  4. i am also sensitive what you should do is tell her that you want the best for her so she would not have any problems i am sure she would totally understand

  5. to be honest you sound jealous...she knows how shes looking...she has mirrors....look don't hate...except!

  6. tell her how you feel. or tell her mom. be honest though and try not to get  to worked up about it.  

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