
How to tell my mom to lay off the religious stuff?

by Guest57958  |  earlier

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my mother is a born again christian, and i am an agnostic theist, my wife is a good ol atheist. my mother sends me emails and videos and scriptures to read to try to convert to Christianity. i really dont want to be converted but i dont want to hurt my mothers feelings because shes going through some rough times in her life....any help is appreciated





  1. "Mom, I love you a lot, but please stop sending me religious stuff. I appreciate what you're trying to do, but it's not going to convert me."

  2. Send her e-mail and websites that are filled with non-religious inspiration.

    Every time that she sends you a scripture, send her something that has nothing to do with religion.

    Perhaps it will help her see that you can be atheist and still appreciate an uplifting, spiritual message.

  3. just sigh and hit delete.

  4. Honor your father and your mother so that you may live a long life in the land God has given to you.

    Thank your mother for your benefit and follow your own path. This will make more sense when you mother is no longer.

  5. Maybe you should check it out.

    If you heard about an inheritance wouldn't you check it out to see if it were true?

  6. mark it as spam

  7. My mum used to do the same thing. I told her to stfu.

    But you don't need to do that. Just Mark them as spam.

  8. Block her on the email.

    Maybe that'll get the message through.

  9. ive found that being respectful,truthful,and directly to the point of a matter,is the best mom tried for a while to get me back to church.i simply told her to work out her own salvation,and not mine.i explained honestly,that i wasnt buying the hype,and i wasnt going to be pressured out of obligation to her precious sensibilities.

    now,me being a christian,,,she has slipped away from the church.i tried to get her to come back,and she,did exactly what i did.basically a,back off buddy.but done nicely.

    me and my folks get along great.always the truth,always with respect.even when we disagree.

  10. "Mom, will you please stop sending me such mail and lay off the religious overtones. My wife and I are uncomfortable with what you send us. Thank you."

  11. Just ignore them..

    Tell your wife i said BABBYS ARE TASTY.

    LOL @Douga!

    I've gotten at least 3 emails saying i won the British International Lottery, and one saying i inherited 40% of 12.5 mil.

    All three were scam emails, listen on t3h interwebs.

  12. you need to have a heart to heart with your mom....highlight you love her...that its your free will not to choose the path she has chosen...tell her she will convince you of her love to God by her actions more than words....tell her that her prayers could do more than her words...tell her that her meekness in her conduct would also do more than words but over all tell her that christian maturity shows itself by allowing the other person the dignity of free will...not adding or subtracting to your convictions in life but letting you be.....if she does all these things she will realize thats how God treated her...and patienly waited for her to come to a place of belief, repentance and love of God.......tell her that her words right now have no effect on you but her holy love to God and you could in future possibly change your mind to see things differently...but in meantime yoiu want to love and be loved as mother and son.....God bless

  13. Tell you finally found Jesus, but it was in a topless bar down by the airport and he was being arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct and inappropriate touching. Maybe that will shut her up for a while (what you tell your wife is up to you!).

  14. Your mother loves you, and she wants you to be saved. If you don't want them, then just leave them be.

  15. Just delete the e-mails. There's no point in upsetting your mother over a few dumb e-mails.

  16. Your mom is worried about you and loves you very very much. She is worried about your eternal soul. Be glad that she cares.

        I would say to her " Mom just pray for me."  but please dont send me anymore scripture and videos because I am not going to read them.. If your God is so powerful then he will answer your prayers.This will make her happy and she might leave you alone with the videos and scripture.  I know some people can be pushy.  You are a good son.  

      God bless.

  17. Mark as spam.

  18. Do the very Christian thing and LOVE her. Be polite, patient and kind. She will not just quite because she feels your soul is in danger. If it was anybody else you would probably walk away, but here you must love her. You do not need to be Christian to do that.

  19. While I understand that you respect your mother and don't want to hurt her feelings, you need to make it clear that she needs to have the same respect and consideration for you. You're both adults now. You aren't responsible for the difficult times she's had in her life and she doesn't have the right to use that as a tool to manipulate you into listening to her obnoxious and offensive proselytizing.

    I went through the same thing with my mom. When simply telling her politely that her preaching was bothersome to me didn't work, I started just getting up and leaving whenever she would start in on the religious c**p. Quickly she learned that if she wanted my company, she was going to have to respect my views and talk about other things. Good luck.

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