
How to tell my parents to let me go with this guy

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There is this guy and we are just friends but he has invited me to places but cant go because I know if I ask permission my parents will say no I mean were just friends but I don't know what to do




  1. give it a while

    if this boy is really your friend

    you would have to give it a while and let your

    parents know yu guys are just friends

    and if the boy doesnt understand then all he wants is

    obviously s*x.

    so talk to him

    let your parents talk to him a little and yu know

    give it a while and once yur parents get the picture that yu guys are JUST friends then they would probably let yu go over his house

    KNow wat im sayin??

  2. Why don't you just ask them before you start assuming they'll say no. Come on there is always a chance that they will answer differently than what you think they will. When you are asking though, make sure to explain the situation and say you are just friends. If your parents have any suspision that you have a crush on him or they believe your lying, they'll say no and you'll be screwed. Good Luck!

  3. Tell him what your parents say - if he respects you, he'll respect their wishes, too. If he doesn't respect them, it's not a good sign he'll respect you, either.

  4. Get a double date together with a girl friend.  Get one of your friends to come over and and ask your parents about the double date with her there with you.  She can vouch for the guy and your parents will feel a lot more comfortable if you have another friend there with you.  You shouldn't be dating alone until your older, although you did not tell us how old you are.

  5. Tell them u r going to the mall with a friend and will be out for a while and really go wherever you want to with him or tell the m ur meeting a friend and have them drop you off his house but tell them its a friends place

  6. just make sure your parents know where you are going first, but before any of that, meet him with your parents and his parents.  This might build some trust.  Then your parents will know what he and his family is like, and they can make a more sound judgement.

  7. Tell them about how sweet he is... And if that fails, ask them to trust your judgment. I'm sorry, that's all I can think of.

  8. Have your parents talk to his. That will go a long way toward their comfort.

    And how do you know if you don't ask?  

  9. Well, the most important thing is to NEVER lie to your parents about where you are going or who you will be with. And if he invited you places that you can't go, sit down with your parents, and calmly explain the good qualities of where you want to go... but be sure that they know that they need to hear you out, parents tend to interrupt, so once you've finished talking, let them ask questions about their concerns, which is why you think they wouldn't let you go. But be sure that everyone stays calm, the last thing anyone needs is to have a conversation erupt into an argument... I hope this helped.

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