
How to tell off/be angry with a friend?

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My friend Suzy has been acting differently this past year, she used to be nice and funny and sincere but now all she cares about is popularity and guys, and she thinks she's too cool for me. The thing is, she never actually like told me that she doesnt want to be my friend anymore, she always acted nciely to me the whole year and said how i was one of her BFFs but yet never invited me over to her house or to do stuff with her, unless it was like a group thing that everyone knew about. I started to feel like she was treating me like a "groupie" rather than a friend. End of last year (of grade ten) I went to her 16th party and gave her a really nice present and card. Then I told her about my party in June and gave her an invite. A week b4 the party shes the only one who hasnt RSVPd. I text her, and she asks me what party and when is it?!!?? Then she says she has to work, but shell try and get out of it, and then she says she has to go to some guy's party so she'll be late for mine. This is my 16TH party. In the end, she never RSVPs to tell me whether she can make it or not, never shows up and never calls, txts, Facebooks or emails me about it later. So naturally I am pissed off at her, and school is starting next week so i want to tell her how i feel. Problem is is that I never know how to get angry with friends cause I think theyll feel like im attacking them and we wont be friends anymore, or they'll think im a whiny loser if im all nice about it and like : you hurt my feelings. How do I tell her all this?




  1. First hand experience, find a new group of friends.  I would not waste another moment thinking about this girl.  Maybe down the road when she gets "s**+*" on by the so called "popular" friends, she will come around and realize that you were her one true friend.  It usually does happen, it just doesn't happen when YOU want it to.

    Be true to yourself before all others!

  2. Cool off with any calls, Emails, whatever with her.  She'll either get the message, or didn't care anyway.   If she calls or Emails you, take your time answering her.

    If you do connect, and she asks if any thing's wrong, you can quietly tell her then that you feelings were hurt.  I wouldn't have a confrontation with her.

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