
How to tell orb from dust?

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Yesterday I took 2 pictures of my local congregational church. I photoshopped them to make them black & white. You can find them here: Because I photoshopped them you can't see the dot, but when you zoom in to like 250% you can see a man's face kinda in the orb & then in the second pic the orb is gone. How do you tell orbs from dust and what not? I keep my camera pretty clean, but just curious.




  1. Take a look at this page----

    then look at these orbs that are not dust-----

    Orb's have a different look and shape, are solid in the middle unlike dust flares that look hollow with a bright ring outside.

  2. the photos john has shown you are real orbs...theres a big difference...real orbs you can see are made up of real energy...when most of the normal orbs are just dust....check out some pictures of orbs and ghost lights in this site..when you enter go to the index, and click on orbs and ghost lights

  3. an orb reflects light such as your describing. a supposedly true orb emits its own light. An orb that can be suspected as real will show up without the use of a flash, and is not the clear white type such as the classic orbs, but rather are usually reddish or blueish in colors.

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