
How to tell some you really like them?

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There a boy I really like he we hang out together a lot but I don't know how to tell him I like him. If any questions feel free to ask




  1. "i rly lik u"

  2. If u dont risk in life you simply dont win!!

    tell him "I really realy realy like you"

    Chances are he likes you too!

  3. just tell him it's not that complicated. what do you have to lose

  4. say "I really like you"

  5. if you want to buy a solar energy handbag,please contact me via,SKYPE:shawnsupply

  6. agreeing with the first one, just do it!

  7. dnt tel him show him, flirt and stuff

    neva tel a guy that u like him

    have him chase after u

  8. kiss him.

  9. Write a note to him or send him an email

  10. " i really like you"

  11. flirt with him

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