
How to tell someone?

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I am a Christan and have a fellow Christan friend who is morbid obese and has a three year old daughter who is over weight. She recently came to a party we had and I couldn't believe the comments my family and friends made. I don't think she heard any of them. But it got me worrying about her and her daughter. She is aware of her weight and has joined a weight loss program, I can't say she puts much effort into it but she goes. I don't know how to handle it. She has not been the best of friends. I just don't know if I should do anything.




  1. i don't think you should say anything if you are still not like best not sure but i think it depends on the relatinoship that you both if you usually talk about anything and you're open i would say to advice the end you just want her the best... good luck:)

  2. Talk to her about how you feel of her weight in a friendly way but don't hurt her feeling, and tell her she needs to watch her weight and it's not healthy. hope this helped!

  3. first of all, fat people know they're fat.

    secondly- if you're that concerned, start asking her to do physical activities with you- go mini golfing, swimming etc- these are things her daughter can enjoy too. encourage her to get her daughter in dance or something... but dont be rude about it. if you're really close she'll appreciate that you care. otherwise she'll feel betrayed that you're not accepting her as she is and she already feels bad, i'm sure.

  4. Okay, here's where I have to share something......

    This is somewhat long, but if you honestly want to know the answer to your question, you'll read it and think about what you have asked here....

    I'm reminded of a story a very wise pastor once used in a sermon I have never forgotten.

    It goes like this:

    So Jesus is sitting with his disciples and they're all talking about the price of leaven bread, joking about the hypocrisy of the emperor's new dictates of the week, working out how to deal with the poor and disadvantaged one afternoon.

    And outside the place they're sitting at, they hear a commotion and a woman crying and men yelling at that woman when suddenly she is just SHOVED into the place Jesus and his disciples are enjoying a pretty tame day with each other away from the crowds.....

    There's all these guys in regal robes and wearing stupid looking hats that enter the place behind the woman who is now sobbing uncontrollably in front of them with her face in the dirt.

    In front of Jesus and the disciples, they're all kinda freaked out and they keep looking at Jesus and then at the "religious" men.  One of them with his foot on the small of her back holding her to the ground.  He's literally glaring at Jesus, smirking at the disciples.

    A, for lack of a better term, "Gotcha!" look on their smug religious faces.....

    Jesus smiles, slowly shakes his head back and forth and looks up the disciples, knowing their fear, anticipating this latest "challenge" to his authority.  Being a dirty Galilean, he seemingly has none to all appearances....

    "She has committed ADULTERY with another woman's husband and our LAW says she should be put to death!" the lead brightly robed man with the goldenmost hat spits at Jesus....

    "What do YOU say to that, MASTER?" he sneers out the side of his mouth, and then winks at his own religious brethren behind him awaiting an answer.

    Jesus smiles a little, knowing full well that his answer will not please them no matter what he says.  They hate him, he threatens their very place in society if he should exercise his rightful authority to vaporize them at that very moment if he chose to do so.....

    He is, after all, GOD in human flesh with all powers still fully within his grasp if he so chooses to use them.

    And he smiles again, confident in his sense of self.  Jesus knows he is the Son of God, been alive since God knows when.....seen it all.....

    The woman is sobbing, just knowing that in the next few moments, she will be dragged out of this place and forced to endure certain agony by having other people throw large rocks at her until she is DEAD for her sin.

    And Jesus says nothing.  He is silent.

    The lead religious person says again, "Well?  By LAW, she is to be Stoned to death for Adultery"!

    Jesus leans down, and confusing everyone, he starts writing in the dirt in front of the woman, her tears staining the earth in front of her.

    And as he writes, one by one, religious person after religious person is confused by his writing and his calm response to their verdict.

    But after reading what Jesus writes, those accusers who led her to this place, shoving her face down in the dirt, begin to leave without explanation....

    Until the lead religious person with the most colorful robe and most golden hat lets up his foot from the back of the woman; freeing her to move now.

    Shakes his head and slowly turns and leaves also......

    How does Jesus react to this?

    He looks up, knowing the religious people would leave anyway, but amused all the same.

    And his own smirk at the stupidness of humans but with the most purity of love in his soul crosses his face for an instant.

    And the woman is sobbing, free at last and Jesus says:

    "Woman, where are your accusers?  They condemn you not?  Then neither do I.  Go and sin no more...."

    Do you know what Jesus was actually writing in that dirt that the Bible never mentions?

    While these "wonderful", "holy", "religious" so enjoyed being the accusers of someone who sinnded......

    Waiting for Jesus to "mess up" and not follow their "law" and what they thought was holy and righteous....

    Jesus wrote down a caption that said, "Committed Adultery With".

    Then wrote down in the dirt the name of every accuser present at the place they found Jesus located at with an =(equal) sign after their names.

    And then he wrote the name of the women each accuser had done so with......

    The point?  What sin have YOU committed today that is worse than your obese friend?

    Can you allow this gossip and rumor mongering amongst your friends about another Christain woman?

    Disregarding what is in her heart?

    And feel just about doing so?

    Oh, and the last thing Jesus said to the accusers of the sinful woman with her face in the dirt at the feet of Jesus himself?

    "Ye who are without sin, cast the first stone"........

    Forgot to mention that little tidbit.....

  5. It is none of your business unless she comes out and asks you for some kind of help. You will only hurt her feelings. Love is acceptance in a case like this. Too bad your friends and family are so rude. That must have been embarrassing for you (I hope).
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