
How to tell someone you look up to them?

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I know this might sound like sort of a weird qusetion but how do you tell someone that you look up to them? This person is older than me and I really admire their personality and just the way they deal with general day to day situations, but I don't know how to say it without sounding a little weird. Thanks!




  1. it won't sound weird, just say something like "i like when you...." and then that person will say thank you or smile, then you will say ohh i admire people like you. and they will feel haappyy... good luck

  2. There is an old Celtic saying that I think applies very well. It's "May you always have a candle to bring light to life's dark places."

    When my mentor left my former workplace, I bought a card and on the inside I wrote, "Thank you for always being my candle in life's dark places." She was very touched and had the card framed. Maybe something similar would work for you? :)

  3. Just go up to them and say: Hi, I think you're great!  

  4. Just tell them that you admire them and the reason why you admire them. Trust me they will appericate your kind words, everyone needs a little boost of confidence every now and then. =]

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